Deaths,Burials and Headstones
John Anthony, Crown Inn/Hotel
Death 18th May 1862
Burial 21st May 1862
Age 53
Martha Cadman, Red Lion
Death 5th January 1877
Burial 9th January 1877
Age 77

William Chandler, Swan Inn
Death 22nd July 1854
Burial 26th July 1854
Age 39
Ann Chandler, Swan Inn
Death 5th February 1876
Burial 9th February 1876
Age 61
William Cooper, Horse & Jockey
Death 13th January 1863
Burial 17th January 1863
Age 48
Ann Cooper, Horse & Jockey
Death 23rd December 1895
Burial 27th December 1895
Age 76
James Davies, Talbot Inn
Death 1st August 1897
Burial 5th August 1897
Age 80
Priscilla Davies, Talbot Inn
Death 20th September 1886
Burial 23rd September 1886
Age 55

William James Edwards, Horse & Jockey
Death 26th March 1946
Burial 29th March 1946
Age 82
Nellie May Edwards, Horse & Jockey
Death 23rd April 1950
Burial 26th April 1950
Age 79

William Evans, Norton Arms Hotel
Death 7th December 1894
Burial 10th December 1894
Age 48
Susan Evans, Norton Arms Hotel
Death 24th November 1917
Burial 28th November 1917
Age 82
John Everall, The Globe
Death 18th December 1830
Burial 18th December 1830
Age 39
Martha Gayther, New Inn
Death 29th January 1847
Burial 6th February 1847
Age 59
Elijah Gough, Bridge Inn, Red Lion Inn
Death 2nd May 1937
Burial 5th May 1937
Age 69
Margaret Matilda Gough, Bridge Inn
Death 4th December 1908
Burial 7th December 1908
Age 34

Richard Edward Gough, Barley Mow
Death 30th July 1882
Burial 2nd August 1882
Age 31
Cardiff Times, 5 August 1882
KNIGHTON. THE CASE OF SUDDEN DEATH.—An inquest was held at the police-court on Tuesday last touching the death of Richard Gough, of West-street, and late landlord of the Barley Mow, Knighton.—Emma Jane Gough, wife of the deceased, said she bad been married eight years. The deceased was 31 years of age. She never saw him drunk. Did not consider him intemperate. They lived happily together. They had no words on Saturday or Sunday. He went to Presteigne on Sunday about 9 a.m., and re- turned about half-past five, p.m. He was in liquor. He nursed the child, and afterwards said he would go and lie down, as he had to go to the Crown at nine, and should be all right by then. He went upstairs about six. Witness did not hear any noise after he went upstairs. At a quarter to seven she went to put the children to bed. They slept in the adjoining room. From there she went to her husband's room. He was on the floor on his back. She called him, but he did not answer. A person, named Alice Stedman, came and said he was dead. His arms were stretched out, and both hands opened. One leg was quite strait, and the foot of the other under the calf of the leg that was out strait. His mouth was partly open. She never knew him have fits. His general health was good until lately, when he suffered from cramp and spasms in the stomach. He made no complaint of being ill on Sunday he was in good spirits. He was in no difficulties to her knowledge. Dr. Newton Bentham said he was called to deceased about seven o'clock on Sunday evening. His eyes, which greatly protruded, were open and glistening, jaws locked, tongue slightly swollen, face bloated and purplish. While witness was leaning over the body a bottle was put in his hand. He kept the bottle and sent for Inspector Rogers. Some of the symptoms pointed to poisoning by prussic acid. I smelt his breath, but could not detect Prussic acid. He could give no positive assurance as to the cause of death. The bottle now contained 10 drops, If it was Steel's 20 drops would cause death. The position he was found in was quite Consistent with his having a fit.—The Coroner summed up, and the jury retired for a short time, and after entering the court again, the foreman said they found deceased did not poison himself, but met his death by the visitation of God, in a natural way.
30 Jul 1882
Constabulary report regarding the death of Richard Edward Gough, West Street, Knighton, 30, (poisoning by prussic acid (cyanide))
30 Jul 1882
Inquisition report and letter on the death of Richard Edward Gough, Knighton, (natural causes)

Loving Memory of
(The crown Inn)
who died Sept 11th 1893
Ages 65 Years
also of JANE
wife of the above
who died April 2nd 1904
Aged 81 Years
also of
(Late of the Red Lion Hotel)
beloved daughter of the above
died Sep 10th 1921
Aged 65 Years
Emma Jane Gough, Barley Mow, Red Lion Inn
Death 10th September 1921
Burial 14th September 1921
Age 65
Walter Haines, Crown Inn/Hotel
Death 11th September 1893
Burial 15th September 1893
Age 65
Jane Haines, Crown Inn/Hotel
Death 2nd April 1904
Burial 6th April 1904
Age 81
Richard Hammond, Lamb Inn
Death 31st March 1898
Burial 2nd April 1898
Age 73
Elizabeth Hammond, Lamb Inn
Death 1st November 1901
Burial 4th November 1901
Age 67

Richard Hatfield, Fleece Inn
Death 26th August 1877
Burial 28th August 1877
Age 58
Margaret Hatfield, Fleece Inn
Death 14th March 1890
Burial 18th March 1890
Age 75

George Hewlett Hoad, Horse & Jockey
Death 9th August 1917
Burial 11th August 1917
Age 80
Mary Holl, Talbot
Death 7th May 1863
Burial 10th May 1863
Age 62
Hurbert Richard Jay, Plough Inn
Burial 24th September 1929
Age 59
Susannah Jay, Plough Inn
Burial 2nd June 1924
Age 58
Remembrance of
The Bridge Inn of this Town
Died Oct 25th 1885
aged 67 years.#
Also ANN wife of the above
died Sept 8th 1896
aged 85 years.
John Jones, Bridge Inn
Death 25th October 1885
Burial 27th October 1885
Age 67
Ann Jones, Bridge Inn
Death 8th September 1896
Burial 11th September 1896
Age 85

William Jones, Plough Inn
Death 21st May 1870
Burial 27th May 1870
Age 78
Ann Jones, Plough Inn
Death 1st September 1870
Burial 6th September 1870
Age 73
Richard Langford, Joiners Arms
Death 4th January 1889
Burial 9th January 1889
Age 80

Sarah Mead, Swan Inn
Burial 27th January 1851
Age 73
John Pardoe, Kings Head
Burial 18th April 1851
Age 68
Thomas Capsey Parton, Central Railway Inn
Death 1st December 1885
Burial 5 December 1885
Age 34
Martha Parton, Central Railway Inn
Death 22nd January 1917
Burial 24th January 1917
Age 66

Samuel Passey, Red Lion Inn
Burial 30th March 1842
Age 66
Sarah Phillips, Queen's Head
Death 6th November 1861
Burial 12th November 1861
Age 62

Edward Ravenscroft was the first official station master of Knighton.
He held the post for 11 years and was also an active member of the
Church choir. Born at Wem 3rd of September 1836 and died
25th October 1878. He is buried in Knighton churchyard.
Stephen John Reynolds, Horse Shoes
Death 20th February 1864
Burial 24th February 1864
Age 54

Richard Thomas, Kings Head
Death 30th June 1869
Burial 3rd July 1869
Age 54
Mary Ann Thomas, Kings Head
Death 19th March 1912
Burial 22nd Marck 1912
Age 89

Memory of
(of the Kings Head in this Town)
who died June 30 1869
Aged 54 Years
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Margaret Turner, Lamb Inn + Wine Vaults
Death 27th October 1897
Burial 30th October 1897
Age 45

Samuel Watkins, Queen's Head
Death 17th November 1862
Burial 20th November 1862
Age 56
Mary Watkins, Queen's Head + Central Railway Inn
Death 27th July 1882
Burial 31st July 1882
Age 65
Hereford Journal - Saturday 22nd November 1862
Manslaughter at Knighton
On Wednesday last an inquest was held before W. Stephens, Esq., coroner, touching the death of Mr., Samuel Watkins, of the Queen's Inn, Garth road. The following gentlemen were sworn on the jury :—Mr. Ruder, Foreman ; Mr. Rocke, tailor ; Mr. W. Baldwin grocer ; Mr. Thomas, grocer ; Mr. Mason, wine vaults Mr. Oldberry, grocer ; Mr. Bowen, grocer ; Mr. Phillips chemist ; Mr. Cooper, butcher ; Mr. Roberts, Chandos Anus; Mr. Watkins, builder ; Mr. Abley, grocer ; Mr. Smith, ironmonger.
Mary Watkins, wife of deceased, who was first examined, stated that on Thursday, November 6th, being Knighton fair day, about nine o'clock in the evening, eight or nine men came to the house. She only knew one of them. his name is Richard Woosencroft. One of them whom she was afterwards told was named Evans had a long stick in his hand, which he kept continually flourishing about. Her husband told him quietly not to do so. When another man, whose name she was afterwards told was Edward Brown, got up and struck her husband a violent blow in the stomach. My husband, she said, told him not to do so again, when Richard Woosencroft got up and struck my husband two violent blows in the stomach. He did not fall down but staggered back from the force of the blows. At this time I heard a cry of murder in the passage, and going there I found the man Price, who lodges in part of the house, on the stairs, covered with blood, and my son on the floor, also bleeding from the ears. Brown and Evans were standing over them, and threatening to kill my son before they had done with him. I got my son up and took him into the kitchen, there I found all the parties who had been making. the disturbance were gone. My husband did not complain of being hurt that night, but in the morning he did so, and I recommended him to go and see Mr. Covernton, surgeon. He did so, and got a little better, till the next Thursday, when he was taken worse, and gradually sank, and died on Monday last. He was in his usual health on the day of the assault, and did not complain of being unwell. He was 56 years of age, The parties who came into the house and created the disturbance were not drunk. They had five glasses of gin at the door before they came in. This was all they had.
Edward Price, the next witness, stated that he and his wife lodged in part of the house occupied by the deceased. He with his wife was sitting in the kitchen between the hours of eight and nine o'clock in the evening of the 6th of November, when eight or nine men came in. I only knew Wooseneroft, Brown, and Evans. The latter had a long stick which he kept swinging about over our Heads. The deceased told him not to do so, or he would break the face of the clock. Upon this, Brown, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table, struck deceased a severe blow on the left side. The deceased did not return the blow. Richard Woosencroft then got up, and struck the deceased several times about the chest, and on the left side. I asked Woosencroft, said the witness, why he struck the poor old man ? I was immediately knocked down and dragged into the passage by Evans, Brown, and Woosencroft, where they made several attempts to get at my eyes, which they with an oath said they would tear out. I was then insensible for a few minutes. When I came to myself, I saw all the parties that had been making the disturbance, leaving the house, and assaulting another lodger named Greaves. whom they struck down against the horse-block at the door. The blows given to the deceased by Woosencroft appeared to be severe, and he would have fallen but for my wife who caught him in her arms. The deceased was quite sober. l have never seen him in liquor.
At the close of the evidence by this witness, the coroner said that there were several more witnesses ready to be examined, but be thought that they could throw no more light on the subject, as they could only prove that the deceased was struck by the men Brown and Woosencroft. He proposed, therefore, only to call Mr. Covernton and Mr. Warren, surgeons, whom he had directed to make a post-mortem examination on the deceased.
Mr. Covernton, surgeon, examined : The deceased came to my surgery on Friday, the 7th of November. I was not at home. I went to see him during the day. I found him suffering from a slight inflammation of the left lung. I examined him, but could discover no marks of violence upon him. He improved in health till Thursday, the 13th instant, when he became worse, and gradually sank, and died on Monday last. I have today, with the assistance of Mr. Warren made a post-mortem examination on the body of the deceased. We found the left lung slightly inflamed; the right one in a diseased state of long standing, such as one would expect to find in a person troubled with asthma, which the deceased was. The heart was large, fatty, and diseased. The 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs on the left side were disunited, hut not displaced. I discovered discolourance of the skin on the left side some days before his death, which, no doubt, was brought on by violence. I also found the deceased was ruptured. The complaint from which we found he had been labouring, no doubt would have caused his death ultimately. but I am decidedly of opinion that owing to the violence he received on Thursday night. the 6th of November, his death was accelerated. Mr. Warren fully concurred in all Mr. Covernton had said. The Coroner very clearly pointed out the evidence bearing on the case, stating that although there appeared to have been a great many persons in the house making a noise, and that the man Evans was taking a very active part in it, still there was no evidence to prove that he or any one else struck the deceased, with the exception of Edward Brown and Richard Woosencroft. Upon the evidence of Mr. Warren and Mr. Covernton it was clear that the death of the deceased was accelerated by these blows. The Coroner then very lucidly pointed out the law on the subject to the jury, and left the matter for their decision. After consulting a short time, they, through their foreman, Mr. Rutter, unanimously returned a verdict of manslaughter against Edward Brown and Richard Woosencroft. The Coroner at once issued a warrant for their apprehension. The two men, Brown and Woosencroft, who were found guilty by the coroner's jury, on Wednesday, of manslaughter on the man Watkins, were apprehended on Thursday, and taken before R. Green Price, Esq., who remanded them till Thursday next. Bail was accepted for their appearance, themselves in £50 each, and two others in £25 each.
Hereford Journal of the 29th November 1862
Charge of Manslaughter.—Edward Brown Richard Worzencraft, both surrendered themselves to their bondsmen to answer to a charge of the manslaughter of Samuel Watkins. Committed to take their trial at the assizes, bail being taken in £100 each, of two sureties, and the prisoners in £50 each. After some slight delay Mr. Jeremiah Brown and Mr. Edward Brown were accepted as sureties.
Hereford Times - 3rd January 1863
ASSAULT. —John Bamford and Edward Brown, of Beguildy, were charged by Thomas Grieves, with assaulting him on the 6th of November, at the Queen's Head, on the night of the affray which caused the death of the landlord, Thomas Watkins. Bumford was fined 10s. and costs, and Brown was discharged.—Richard Wosencroft, William Evans, and Edward Brown, were next charged with assaulting George Watkins, the son of the deceased Thomas Watkins. The evidence showed that these fellows endeavoured to push out the eyes of the complainant on the night of the fatal disturbance. Mr. Arthur Cheese, of Kington, ably defended the defendants. Fined £3 each and costs.
Hereford Times - 28th March 1863
the outcome of the trial which took place at the March Assizes in 1863, was that the Judge stopped the trial and directed the jury to find the prisoners 'not guilty' - this despite them having beaten the poor chap with a stick and laid into him with their fists, and him not dying until 10 days later. The surgeon who examined the deceased discovered long term disease and concluded that the inflammation he found, and despite the injury to his ribs being caused by a blow - it could have been caused by a cold........

In Affectionate
Memory of
of this parish who died Nov 17 1862
Aged 56 Years
Also of
Relict of the above also late of
Railway Inn Knighton
Died July 27 1882
Aged 65 Years
Also of
two of their sons and youngest daughter
Namely SAMUEL eldest son
died at Junction City Kansas America
June 31 1871
Aged 30 Years
died June 16 1871 aged 16 Years
died March 28 1875 Aged 29 Years
Thomas Weaver, New Inn
Death 22nd December 1843
Burial 26th December 1843
Age 74
Ann Weaver, New Inn
Death 23rd November 1846
Burial 25th November 1846
Age 86
Hereford Times 28th November 1846
23rd, at her residence, Almshouse-street, Knighton, in the 86th year of her age, Mrs Ann Weaver, wife of the late Mr Thomas Weaver, for many years landlord of the New Inn, in that town.
William Weyman, Chandos Arms Inn
Death 29th June 1849
Burial 2nd July 1849
Age 48
Aaron Whiston, Crown Inn/Hotel
Death 14th December 1845
Burial 19th December 1845
Age 69
Edward Williams, Golden Lion
Death 11th August 1869
Burial 16th August 1869
Age 64
Anne Williams, Golden Lion
Death 3rd July 1878
Burial 8th July 1878
Age 52
Benjamin Woodhouse, Fleece Inn
Death 16th December 1895
Burial 20th December 1895
Age 48