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Postmasters & Postmistresses

Cambrian - 1st August 1812

Deaths - Last week, much regretted by a very numerous circle of friends, Mr. Richard Williams, Postmaster of Knighton, Radnorshire.


1830 Pigot's Directory, South Wales

POST OFFICE, Mrs. Vaughan, Post Mistress (and stamp distributor)—Letters from LUDLOW arrive every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday night at eight, and are despatched on the same mornings at seven.—Letters from PRESTEIGN arrive every Monday, Thursday & Saturday morning at eight, and are despatched on the same afternoons at a quarter before three.


On 22nd July 1828 William Weyman Married Hannah Whiston in Knighton. Hannah was the daughter of Aaron Whiston who ran the Crown Inn, Broad Street.


William was the proprietor of the Chandos Arms.


William and Hannah had a daughter Hannah born in 1829 baptised June 5th 1829


On 20th January 1832 William Weyman was appointed Postmaster of Knighton.



1835 William Weyman - Postmaster


1840 William Weyman - Postmaster


Name: William Weyman, Age: 41
Date of Trial: 29 Mar 1842
Location of Trial: Radnorshire, Wales
Charge: Assault

Sentence: Imprisonment 10 months


1844 Pigot's Directory, South Wales

POST OFFICE, High-street, William Weyman, Post Master. Letters from LONDON and all parts of the North arrive every day at twelve, and are despatched at half-past twelve.—Letters from all parts of SOUTH WALES arrive (by foot post from PRESTEIGN) every evening at six, and are despatched every morning at twenty minutes before five.


Hereford Journal - Wednesday 20th January 1847

A weekly post has been established between Velindre and this town. Such an accommodation has long been wanted.


William Weyman died in 1849


Hereford Journal 04 July 1849

DEATHS - 29th June, Mr. William Weyman, of the Chandos Arms, Knighton, aged 49 years;  a truly honest man,  and much regretted


1851 Hannah Weyman - 20- Postmistress (this was William Weyman's daughter)


Hereford Times - Saturday 8th January 1853

Under a recent order of the General Post Office, in connection of alterations in the circulation of letters, Knighton is now served (as respects money order advices) from Shrewsbury, instead of Presteigne.


Hereford Journal - 22nd April 1857

TESTIMONIAL TO THE LATE POSTMISTRESS. We understand that a testimonial most numerously signed was presented to Miss Hannah Weyman, of Knighton, on her emigration to Australia, on Wednesday last, expressive of the general satisfaction given to all classes during her management of the Post-office, accompanied by a purse containing Twenty-five pounds, voluntarily subscribed as a mark of esteem from her townsmen, with their kind wishes for her future welfare in Australia. To see how Hannah fared in Australia click here


1861 - Charles Langford - 36 - Postmaster


Charles Langford was baptised on 19th September 1824 in Knighton. He was the son of Michael and Mary Langford nee Corbet. Michael was an attorney's bailiff. Michael Langford married Mary Corbet on 31st August 1817 in Knighton.


Hannah Weyman


Charles Langford married Martha Fildas on 6th June 1853 in Kingsland, Herefordshire.


Hereford Journal - Wednesday 11th September 1861

THE RAILWAY - On Sunday last the  letters were brought for the first time by rail, arriving here at 5.50 am. They were despatched by the train leaving at 8.10 pm. The letter-box remaining open until 7.30.


1871 - Charles Langford - 47- Postmaster


1881 - Charles Langford - 57 - Postmaster

            Eliza Langford - 26 - Telegraphist     


1887 - Charles Langford - 63 - Postmaster


1891 - Charles Langford - 67 - Postmaster

            Eleanor A Dawson - 23 - Telegraphist

            Richard J Wyke - 19 - Letter Sorter And Assistant


1895 Kelly's Directory, South Wales

Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Officer-Charles Langford, postmaster.

Letters arrive from all parts at 4.30 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.

dispatched to all parts at 9.30 a.m. & 5,15, 8 & 9 p.m. -  late fee to 9.10 p.m ;

Sundays, deliveries commence - 8 a.m. - dispatched, 6 p.m.

Open. for telegrams, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Wall Letter Box, Bridge street, cleared at 8.55 a.m. 3.15 p.m. & 7.40 p.m. on week days only

Wall Letter Box, Station road, cleared 9 a.m. 3.20 p.m. & 7.45 p.m. on week days only.


Charles Langford died on 3rd August 1897 aged 73 years and was buried 6 August 1897 in Knighton Old Cemetery. The service was carried out by Rev. Martin Henry Ricketts.




LANGFORD Charles of Knighton Radnorshire Postmaster who died 3 August 1897. Probate London to Martha Langford widow and Thomas Gilbert Langford and Frederick Powell Green, Ironmonger. Effects £2538 13s 6d.


Thomas Gilbert Langford was Charles and Martha's son. He was baptised by Rev. James Richard Brown.


Martha died on 14th May 1910 aged 83 years and was buried with Charles on 19th May 1910. The service was performed by Rev. Duncan Gordon Macpherson


Pembrokeshire Herald and General Advertiser - 20 May 1910

DEATHS. LANGFORD. May 14th, at No. 3, Picton Place, Haverfordwest, Martha, widow of Mr. Charles Langford, of Knighton, aged 83 years.



LANGFORD Martha of Picton-place Haverfordwest widow who died 14 May 1910. Administration Carmarthen 3 May to Eliza Green (wife of Frederick Powell Green). Effects £99 7s 10d.



Eliza was the daughter of Charles and Martha. She was born in knighton in 1854.


Eliza Langford, aged 30 married Frederick Powell Green, aged 34 on 30th June 1885 in Knighton.


Pembrokeshire Herald and General Advertiser - 3rd July 1885

MARRIAGE OF MR F. P. GREEN WITH MISS LANGFORD. A crowded congregation assembled in the parish church of Knighton on Wednesday morning to witness the marriage of Miss E.Langford, eldest daughter of the respected Postmaster of that town, with Mr F. P. Green, of Haverfordwest. The esteem and affection in which the bride was held was testified by a handsome testimonial of silver plate from the inhabitants, and a large number of costly presents from her numerous friends. The bells rang merrily throughout the day, and the happy couple left by the mid-day train for a tour in North Wales.


1897 - Eleanor Annie Dawson - 29 - Postmistress


1901 - Eleanor Annie Dawson - 33 - Postmistress

            Cecil E Jones -24 - Learner


1901 Kelly's Directory, South Wales

Express Delivery, Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.—Miss Eleanor. A. Dawson, postmistress.

Letters arrive from all parts at, & deliveries commence, 7 & 3.35 p.m - dispatched to all parts at 9 30 a.m. 12..40,.5.20, 8 & 9 p.m. - late fee to 9.:10 p.m.

Sundays, deliveries commence 8 a.m. - dispatched, 6 p.m. - open for telegrams, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Wall Letter Box, Bridge street, cleared at 9.5 a.m. 2.55 & 7.50 p.m. on week days only

Wall Letter Box, Station road, cleared 9 a.m. 3.20 p.m. and .7.45 p.m.. on week days only


Eleanor Annie Dawson married John Palfrey in 1909 in Romford Essex.


1910 Kelly's Directory, South Wales

Post  Office.—Mrs. Eleanor A. Palfrey, postmistress.

Letters arrive from all parts, & deliveries commence, at 7 a.m. & 12.15 & 3.35 p.m. - dispatched to all parts at 9.30 a.m. & 12.40, 5.20, 8 & 9 p.m.- late fee to 9.10 p.m. Sundays, deliveries commence 8 a.m.- dispatched, 6 p.m. - open for telegrams, 8.30 to 10 a.m.

Wall Letter Boxes.-

Bridge street, cleared at 9.15 a.m. & 5.05 & 7.45 p.m. on week days only;

Station road, cleared at 9.20 a.m. & 5.10 & 7.50 p.m. on week days only.

Market street, cleared at 9.10 am and 5 & 7.40  p.m.


1911 - Eleanor Annie Palfrey - 43 - Postmistress

            Thomas Lloyd - age 34 - Sorting Clerk & Telegraphist Post Office

            Edward Parker - 47 - Post Office Postman

            William James Parker - 15 - Messenger Boy Post Office

            Cecil Ernest Jones - 34 - Post Office Sorting Clerk & Telegraphist


Brecon & Radnor Express - 8th July 1915

KNIGHTON. CALLED UP.—Mr Edward Parker, town postman, has been called up for home defence. He belongs to the 2nd Class Reserves, and left on Monday morning for Hereford. He is the third postman who has left Knighton Post Office since the outbreak of the war.


Brecon & Radnor Express - 26 August 1915

On Leave - Ptes. Edward Parker and James Roach, of the National Reserves, who have for some weeks been guarding a camp of German prisoners in Denbighshire, obtained a short leave, and spent last week-end in Knighton.


Post Office Lease

Lease of messuage and premises called the Post Office, situated in High Street, Knighton, by Mr Edmund Lamb Wallis to His Majesty's Postmaster General. Term commences 24 June 1912 for ten years and ends 24 June 1922. Rent £43 per year


Not sure that Edmund Lamb Wallis was the owner of the property as he was a solicitor, therefore, may have been acting for the owner.


Edmund Lamb Wallis 1849-1940 Solicitor and Alderman and Freeman of the City of Hereford. Fascinating extracts from his memories concerning his years at Knighton 1869-1877 can be read here


John Palfrey died on 3rd May 1942 in Burford House, Wylcwm Street.



Burford House




PALFREY John of Burford House Knighton Radnorshire died 3 May 1942. Probate Llandudno 28 July to Eleanor Annie Palfrey widow and Gertrude Whittall spinster. Effects £6751 2s 10d


Eleanor retired around 1915 and returned to her family in Lincolnshire.


Eleanor died on 22nd August 1950, aged 85.



PALFREY Eleanor Annie of Ivy House Binbrook Lincolnshire widow who died 22 August 1950. Probate Lincoln 27 October to William Robert Dawson of no occupation and Charles Parker Girdlestone bank official. Effects £4600 5s 1d


1915 - Mr. John Francis Wedley - 52 - Sub Postmaster


Brecon & Radnor Express - 16th December 1915

Knighton Postmastership. NEW APPOINTMENT.  Mr J. F. Wedley, sub-Postmaster at Connah's Quay, Cheshire, has recently been appointed sub- Postmaster of Knighton, in succession to Mrs J. Palfry, who, on account of ill-health, retired from the post of head postmistress June 14th last. It had for some time been known that Knighton Head Office would eventually be reduced to the rank of a salaried sub-office, not (as some supposed) on account of any decrease in the business, but owing to the operation of the recommendations of the Holt Committee (1913), who were appointed by the House of Commons to inquire into and report on the wages and other conditions of employment in the Post Office. The change of status was made on the 1st of October, and since that date, Knighton, with its sub-offices, has been attached to Llandrindod Wells, under Mr Bunnage, the head Postmaster. During the much regretted illness of the late postmistress and after her resignation, as well as at holiday times, Mr T. Lloyd, head clerk, was the acting Postmaster. He came to Knighton Post Office nearly 21 years ago, and his kind courtesy and genial manner have won him the respect and confidence of all who know him. It was hoped that he would have been appointed as Mrs Palfry's successor and it is not therefore, surprising that many of the townspeople should have expressed keen disappointment when they discovered that Mr Lloyd did not happen to be the man whom the Postmaster General "delighted to honour." Mr Wedley takes up his. new duties on January 3rd, and we trust that his new surroundings will prove congenial and that his appointment as sub-Postmaster at Knighton will be a mutual benefit to himself and to the town.


John Francis Wedley died in Kidderminster in 1941 aged 79 years



WEDLEY John Francis of 1 Sutton-road Kidderminster died 29th November 1941. Probate Llandudno 5th February 1942 to William Alfred Jackson, engineer and Thomas Henry Matthews, baker. Effects £461 1s 6d


Brecon and Radnor Express 13th July 1916

Knighton—Mr Thomas Lloyd, who has been a clerk in the Post Office here for about 21 years, was last week appointed salaried sub-Postmaster at Newnham, Gloucester. Mr Lloyd came to this office from Shrewsbury during the last illness of the late Mr Charles Langford (Postmaster), served as clerk during the years in which Mrs Palfrey held the office of post-mistress (and owing to her regretted illness) he discharged the duties of Postmaster for the greater part of the past two years. He has been a, faithful member of the church choir and ever ready to unite with every other denomination in organising concerts for charitable purposes. Until the outbreak of war, when the local eisteddfodau was temporarily discontinued, he discharged the duties of, secretary to the Choral Society in a most satisfactory manner. Mr Lloyd has also been connected with the football, hockey and golf clubs of the town, and a very large circle of friends in this district will wish him every success in his new sphere.


1922 Cecil Ernest Jones - 36 - Certified Wireless Operator


Western Mail - 25th January 1923


Mr. J F Wedley, who has been sub-postmaster at Knighton for over seven years, retires on pension at the end of the month. He will be succeeded by Mr. A Beech, sorting-clerk and telegraphist, Stoke-on-Trent, who will commence duty at Knighton on February 1.

1923 Alfred Beech - Postmaster


1924 Cecil Ernest Jones - 38 - Sorter


Edward Parker died in Knighton in 1925 and is buried with his wife, Adaliza, and Edward Charles Parker in Knighton Old Cemetery.







In Ever Loving Memory


















PARKER Edward of West Dene 12 West-street Knighton Radnorshire died 25th April 1925. Probate Hereford 18th November 1925 to Ernest William Parker, station master and Howard Albert Parker, post office official. Effects £740 10s


Ernest William Parker, station master and Howard Albert Parker, post office official were the sons of Edward and his wife Adaliza nee Davies.


In 1928 Cecil Ernest Jones married Annie Margaret Lovett.


Annie was born in Bermondsey in 1886 and was the daughter of David and Margaret Lovett (nee Overton)


David was originally from Ellisfield, Hampshire and Margaret from Leintwardine, Herefordshire.


In the 1911 census Annie was a post office clerk in Leintwardine post office.


At some point in Cecils career he became postmaster.




                                                      Cecil & Annie                                                                Cecil & Annie

                                            (Lynton, Presteigne Road)



JONES Annie Margaret of Lynton Presteigne-road Knighton Radnorshire (wife of Cecil Ernest Jones) died 19 June 1954. Administration Chester 23 July to the said Cecil Ernest Jones retired postmaster. Effects £365 11s 4d



JONES Cecil Ernest of Cabbage Hall Titley Kington Herefordshire died 21 January 1963 at St. Marys Hospital Hereford. Probate London 18 March to Harold Edward Morris registrar. Effects £808 17s 10d


Annie and Cecil are buried together in Knighton Old Cemetery.



Cecil and Annie's pictures and the headstone picture were kindly supplied by Pat Powell a family member.

Should anyone wish to contact Pat concering her family research, then please use my 'Contact me' link and I will pass on your contact details.

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