Drinking Establishments - H
Horse & Jockey, Bull Ring

1830 George Minton
1835 John Cane
1841 William Rogers
1844 William Rogers
1849 John Cane
Hereford Journal - 16th May 1849
DEATHS - May 9th, at Knighton, aged 72, Mr. John Cane, the highly-respected landlord of the Horse and Jockey Inn
Hereford Times - 30th June 1849
KNIGHTON, RADNORSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY EDWARD MASON, Upon the Premises, on THURSDAY, the 5th day of JULY, 1849, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to Conditions and in the following or such other Lots as shall be then agreed upon
LOT 1. ALL that capital MESSUAGE and PUBLIC-HOUSE, called THE HORSE AND JOCKEY, situate in the town of Knighton, with the newly-erected Stables, Offices, and Outbuildings thereto belonging. Also, all that COTTAGE adjoining the said Messuage, and all that GARDEN next adjoining the said Messuage and Cottage. All which said premises were late the property and in the occupation of Mr. John Cane, since deceased.
LOT 2.—All that large GARDEN adjoining to the last-mentioned Garden, on the north-east side thereof, and having a separate entrance thereto, bounded on the north-east side thereof by the Church-lane, on the south-east by the Garden comprised in Lot 1, on the north-west by a Garden in the occupation of Edward Stedman, and on the south-east by the high road leading to Clun.
Lot 1 will be found a desirable investment from the old-established and respectable business connected with the House and the advantageous situation thereof, offering the greatest capability for improvement, and being the best site for an Inn in the town. The whole range of Stables and Outbuildings have been recently entirely rebuilt by the late owner, in the most commodious and substantial manner. The Gardens comprised in both Lots are admirably situated, well stocked with fruit and other trees, and well known as good and highly productive Gardens. For further particulars apply to Messrs. GREEN and PETERS, Solicitors, Knighton.
Hereford Times 29th September 1849
This being the annual license day all the licenses were renewed without any complaint. The license of the Horse and Jockey was transferred to Mr William Cooper.
1849 William Cooper
William Cooper Married Ann Hoad on 7th September 1850 Saint Faith, Havant, Hampshire
1851 William & Ann Cooper
Hereford Journal - 21st March 1860
KNIGHTON. ACCIDENT, On Tuesday, as Mr Cooper, landlord of the Horse and Jockey Inn, was riding his horse, a spirited animal, along the Shropshire road, when about a quarter of a mile from the town the horse shied, and fell heavily with its rider. In the fall, Mr. Cooper unfortunately sustained fracture of the small bone of the leg, and dislocation of the ankle point. The horse was slightly injured.
1861 William & Ann Cooper **
1871 Ann Cooper (Widow)
1881 Ann Cooper (Widow)
The London Gazette
Publication date: 19 May 1885
Issue: 25471
Page: 2300
TO be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, made in an action, re Jones, deceased, Jones v, Davies, 1881, J., 175, with the approbation of Mr. justice Pearson, by .Mr. John Hamar, the person appointed by the said Judge, at the Horse and Jockey Inn, at Knighton., in the county of Radnor, on Thursday, the 11th day of June,1885, at four o'clock in the afternoon precisely, in one lot ;—
A freehold public-house, known as the Horse and Jockey Inn, with the stabling, yard, garden, and out-buildings, situate in Station-road, Knighton aforesaid, in the occupation of Mrs. Ann Cooper, at annual rent of £30, and a cottage adjoining, let to Mrs. Cooper, at annual rent of £6.
Particulars and conditions of sale may be had (gratis) of Messrs. Green and Peters, of Knighton, in the county of Radnor, Solicitors ; of Mr. William Stephens, of Presteigne, in the county of Radnor, Solicitor ; of Messrs. Meredith. Roberts, and Mills, of 8. New-square, Lincoln's-Inn, Middlesex, Solicitors ; of Messrs. Thomas White and Sons, of 11, Bedford-row, Middlesex, Solicitors; of the Auctioneer, at Knighton aforesaid ; and at the place of sale.
1891 Ann Cooper (Widow)
1890 George Hewlett Hoad
Ludlow Advertiser - 20th December 1890
KNIGHTON. POLICE COURT.---- Before F. C. Cobden and H. M. Evans, Esqrs.
EXCISE PROECUTIONS — George Hewlett Hood, Horse and Jockey Inn, Knighton, was charged by the Inland Revenue Authorities, with using three carriages while only holding licenses for two on the 10th October last.- Mr. W. Rogers, Inland Revenue Officer, Knighton, proved the case, and defendant was fined £1.
1893 George Hewlett Hoad
George Hewlett Hoad was the nephew of Ann Cooper.
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 5th May 1899
License - The license of the Horse and Jockey was transferred to John Legge.
1901 John & Charlotte Legge
Radnor Express - 2nd April 1903
Transfer of Licence..
Mr Harold Matthews, solicitor, Knighton, applied for the temporary transfer licence of the Horse and Jockey Inn, Knighton, from Geo. Legge to Wm Jones, until the special sessions on the 23rd April next. The Chief Constable said he had no objection to the transfer. He understood the character of Wm. Jones was a good one. The temporary transfer was accordingly granted.
Leominster News - 24th March 1905
Temporary transfer of License - Horse and Jockey, from William Jones to J Edwards, Bleddfa.
Wellington Journal - 22nd April 1905
POLICE COURTH. - Thursday - Licensing Transfer. Horse and Jockey from William Jones to William Edwards.
1911 William John & Nellie May Edwards
1923 William John & Nellie May Edwards
1935 William John & Nellie May Edwards
1939 William John & Nellie May Edwards **
1989 Gary and Jacqui Salt
It was reported in the Shropshire Star dated 26th January 2017 that a chimney fire had occurred at the Horse and Jockey the previous Tuesday, 24th. The damaged chimney was later removed and rebuilt.
August 2017 Mr Wouter Egeler and Miss Stephanie Hoving
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section