Drinking Establishments - N
New Inn, Broad Street
1830 Thomas Weaver
1835 Thomas & Ann Weaver **
Hereford Journal - 8th November 1837
FREEHOLD PROPERTY. ALL those EXTENSIVE PREMISES, DWELLING-HOUSE, with MALT HOUSE adjoining; together with the BUILDINGS, STABLES, GARDENS, &C. &C. in the Possession of Mr. Joseph Abley, and Under-Tenants.
And all that well-frequented PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the name of THE NEW INN, with STABLE, BUILDINGS, GARDENS, &C. Which will be sold by public auction, By EDWARD STARR, in One Lot, on Thursday the 16th day of November, 1837, at the NEW INN, KNIGHTON, between the hours of 4 and 6 in the Afternoon, and subject to conditions to be then produced.
The Public House is in a first rate situation, and doing a very excellent business. Possession of the whole may be had on the 25th March next.
For further particulars apply to Mr. J. P. Roberts, or the Auctioneer, both of Leominster; if by letter post-paid.
1840 Richard Edwards
Hereford Journal - 22nd January 1840
WHEREAS RICHARD EDWARDS, of the NEW INN, in the Town of Knighton, in the County of Radnor, Publican, hath by Indenture dated the Tenth day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty, assigned all his personal Estate and Effects unto Joseph Abley, of Knighton aforesaid, Maltster, in trust, for the equal benefit of himself, and all other the Creditors of the said RICHARD EDWARDS. Notice is hereby given, that all Creditors of the said RICHARD EDWARDS, are required to execute the said Deed of Assignment at the Office of Messieurs Green and Peters, Solicitors, Knighton, within two months from the date thereof, or they will be excluded from all benefit arising therefrom.
1841 Martha Gayther
1844 Martha Gayther
Hereford Times - 6th February 1847
29th Ult. Of dropsy, at her residence, Church-street, Knighton, in the 56th year of her age, Mrs. Martha Gayther, late landlady of the New Inn, in that town. (Old Medical Terms)
Hereford Times - 20 April 1850.
THE NEW BUILDINGS. - The contractor, Mr. Watkins, has at length commenced taking down the New Inn public-house, malthouse, and several old dwelling-houses, now standing on the site chosen for the erection of the new Public Buildings, in this town. It will probably take some time to remove the present extensive range of old buildings, which will require to be carefully done in order to preserve any of the old materials which may be worth using again.
The "NEW BUILDINGS" which replaced the New Inn later became known as THE FARMERS' CLUB-HOUSE AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL KNIGHTON
Norton Arms Hotel, Broad Street (renamed Knighton Hotel)

Shrewsbury Chronicle - 10th June 1864
TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.- Knighton Hotel Company, Limited.—Persons desirous of TENDERING for BUILDING A NEW HOTEL Stable, Buildings, &c., at Knighton, Radnorshire, can inspect the Plans and Specifications at the Offices of the Company, at Knighton, and at the Offices of the Architect, in Hereford. The Tenders are to be delivered to the Architect on the 24th inst., and no pledge is given that the lowest will be accepted. THOS. NICHOLSON, F.I.B.A., Architect. Hereford, 1st June, 1864.
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 15th July 1864
KNIGHTON HOTEL COMPANY. - The contract for building a new hotel for the Knighton Hotel Company (limited), from the designs of Thomas Nicholson, Esq, architect, Hereford, has been undertaken by Messers, Drake and Co., builders, London.
Drake and Co. was a company set up by Charles Drake. He used concrete in an innovative way to construct buildings.
Charles was a co-owner of Drake Brothers and Reid of 208 New Kent Road, London. Having discovered new ways of using concrete in construction he put it to his partner, Reid. Reid was against the idea, so it was that Charles left the company to go it alone. The Knighton Hotel was one of his first projects.
Hereford Times - 3rd December 1864
THE NEW HOTEL. is progressing rapidly. It will he a handsome edifice, built of cut stone with Bath stone facing, harmonising with the new shops recently erected at the corner nearly opposite. There is also a good deal of improvement going forward in many parts of the town, in the building of new shops and the renovating of old ones; and we trust to see a good deal more of the improvement, as there is plenty of room for it. We hear that a handsome building is to be erected opposite the new hotel, to be used as Magistrates' rooms and offices, together with Lock-up, and to be built in a similar style to the hotel. When complete, this will make the entrance of the town quite imposing, as the unsightly bridge now standing will be removed in making back entrances to the new hotel
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 25th August 1865
Malicious Damage - David Lewis, Bryan Price, Edward Preece, John Evans, Charles Bishop, James Brown, William Parker and Joseph Reeves, were severally summoned, at the instance of J Green, Esq, for wilfully trespassing and throwing down building materials, on the 7th inst., belonging to the Knighton Hotel Company. Mr Stephens, of Presteigne, who appeared on the part of the accused, made a technical objection, the hotel in question being at present the property of the contractors, and not the company. The summonses were therefore withdrawn. The men paying the expenses.
Hereford Times - 16th March 1867
Knighton, like a great many other towns, has now its Hotel Company, and the beautiful building which the company has erecting is rapidly approaching completion. Hitherto the hotel accommodation in the town has been considered quite inadequate for the wants of the public, and as the principal hotel at Kington is now closed, and the visitors to Llandrindod are becoming more numerous, it is thought the establishment of an hotel at Knighton on a large and liberal scale will be a benefit to the town. and a remunerative investment of capital. Accordingly a company was formed, with Mr. R. Green Price, M.P., as one of its principal supporters, and the result has been the erection of the handsome hotel adjoining the Farmers' Club-house, which will, in fact, form a part of the hotel. The Misses Tudge, who have for the last seven years, conducted the Farmers' Club-house in such a satisfactory manner as to gain the esteem and good will of the public frequenting the house, are to be the managers of the new hotel, and a better selection could not have been made. Their tenancy of the old house expiring at the 25th of March, the Misses Tudge gave their farewell dinner on Tuesday last, but owing to the exceedingly inclement state of the weather the company was not so numerous as would otherwise have been the case.
Eddowes's Journal - 1st June 1870
PROPRIETOR : JOHN MAGUIRE (for many years Head Waiter at the Raven Hotel, Shrewsbury),
WHO respectfully begs to announce that he has taken and entered upon the above extensive Establishment, replete with every convenience, and trusts by strict attention, combined with civility and moderate charges, to merit a share of public patronage.
To the Tourist every facility is afforded. J.M., having the exclusive right of fishing in one of the best preserved Trout and Grayling streams in Radnorshire, surrounded by the most beautiful scenery this picturesque county can boast, will present a gratuitous ticket for the same to each guest honouring him with his support. A Splendid New Billiard Table. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.
1870 John Maguire
Shrewsbury Chronicle 01 July 1870
THE NORTON ARMS AND KNIGHTON HOTEL, KNIGHTON, RADNORSHIRE. PROPRIETOR: JOHN MAGUIRE, (For many years Head Waiter at the Raven Hotel, Shrewsbury,) who respectfully begs to announce that he has taken and entered upon the above extensive establishment. replete with every convenience. and trusts by strict attention, combined with civility and moderate charges, to merit a share of public patronage.
To the Tourist every facility is afforded. J M., having the exclusive right of fishing in one of the best preserved Trout and Grayling streams in Radnorshire, surrounded by the moat beautiful scenery this picturesque county can boast, will present a gratuitous ticket for the same to each guest honouring him with his support.
Leeds Mercury - 4th October 1871
Knighton, Radnorshire. To Capitalists, Hotel Keepers, and others. Valuable Freehold Hotel and Premises, known as the Norton Arms and Knighton Hotel. By Mr. WILLIAM PIPER, on the premises, on Thursday, Twentieth day of October, 1871, between the hours of four and six o'clock (by the direction of the mortgage under a power of sale),
ALL that newly-erected, commodious, and substantially-built first-claw FAMILY HOTEL and POSTING HOUSE, with the tap, stables, lock-up coach-houses, yard, and premises, known as the " Norton Arms and Knighton Hotel," situated in the principal thoroughfare of the town of Knighton aforesaid, together with the Sheep Market yard at the back thereof.
The hotel has a handsome frontage to the chief street, and contains coffee room, 28ft by 20ft; commercial room 21ft square; assembly room, 58ft by 24ft ; large billiard room, bath room, four private sitting rooms, reading room, smoke room, bar, bar parlour and bar sitting room, thirty bed rooms, kitchen, back kitchen, larder, and excellent cellarage.
The Sheep Market yard is very large, capable of holding upwards of 3,000 steep, and produces an annual income of nearly £70.
A well-conducted business is now being carried on upon the premises, also a large and lucrative posting business, six horses being constantly employed, which might be considerably extended by a small judicious outlay. An omnibus from the hotel runs to meet all trains.
The attention of hotel-keepers is particularly invited to this favourable opportunity. of acquiring really good business premises.The hotel is within three minutes' walk of a first-class railway station on the Central Wales (L. and N. W.) lino,
To view and for further particulars apply to Mr. JONATHAN GREEN, Solicitor; or the Auctioneer, both of Knighton.
1874 James Downe
Western Mail 17 August 1874
THE NORTON ARMS, Family and Commercial Hotel, Knighton, Radnorshire. - Mr James Downe (from the Union Club London) begs to state that he has taken the above commodious hotel, where he hopes by civility, cleanliness and attention to the comfort of those who may bestow their favours upon him, to merit their approbation. Commercial Gentlemen and visitors will here find accommodation of the best description, at the most moderate charges. Within easy distance of Llandrindod. Splendid trout fishing. First class stables and loose boxes. Omnibus to meet every train. Post horses and carriages. Wines and spirits of superior quality.
1878 William P & Maria Campbell
Eddowes's Journal - 4th December 1878
GREAT SALE OF LIVE STOCK.—On the 26th ult. Messrs. Rogers and Hamar held an important sale of live stock at Buckton Park, Leintwardine, the residence of Mrs Galliers, who is relinquishing stock rearing. Prior to the sale an excellent luncheon was provided, and all present were treated with the greatest possible hospitality throughout the day. 'Mr. Campbell, of the Norton Anna, Knighton, supplied the "drinkables" and also the vehicles for conveying passengers to and from the station.
Wellington Journal - 1st February 1879
KNIGHTON. ANNUAL BALL —The annual invitation bill took place on Friday week, at the Norton Arms Hotel. There was a fair attendance. but not so many as last year. Mr. Arthur Price's (of Ludlow) band, was in attendance, and a splendid supper was provided in Mr. and Mrs. Campbell's usually good style.
Early in 1881 William & Maria Campbell left the Norton Arms Hotel and moved to running the Swan Hotel in Bridge Street.
South Wales Daily News - 12th March 1881
Mr W. Evans, Hopesay. Aston-on-Clun, applied for transfer of license of the Norton Arms Hotel from W. P. Campbell to himself, and this was granted.
1881 William & Susan Evans **
Hereford Times - 7th October 1882
Adjourned Petty Sessions, Thursday, October 5th. Sir Richard Green-Price, M.P., Captain Beavan and F Colden Esq.
Transfer - The license of the Norton Arms Hotel, Knighton, was transferred from William Evans to James Hamer Davies.
Wellington Journal - 29th September 1883
SPECIAL SESSIONS.—Thursday:. Before Sir R. Green Price, Bart., M.P..(chairman), Captain Beavan. and Frank Cobden, Esq.
Mr. James Hamar Davies applied for and obtained transfer of the license of the Norton Arms Hotel to Mr. Henry Pennell.
1883 John & Jane Jones
1885 John & Jane Jones.
Eddowes's Journal - 14th October 1885
DEATH OF AN OLD INHABITANT —On Saturday the remains of Mr John Jones, of the Norton Arms Hotel, were interred in the Cemetery. The deceased at one time carried on the business of a butcher, but for the past two years has been the proprietor of the Norton Arms Hotel. He died on Tuesday morning, the 6th inst., after a long illness. The general respect in which he was held was testified by the fact that over 70 person; attended the funeral.
Eddowes's Journal - 27 January 1886
Transfer of Licenses
The license of the Norton Arms Hotel was transferred from John Jones (deceased) to Jane Jones.
1891 Jane Jones (widow)
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 27th October 1893
POLICE COURT. October 19th, Before Messrs H. M. Evans and E. Weyman.
Transfer: The license of the Norton Arms Hotel was transferred from Mrs Jane Jones to Mr. Aingle.
1893 Mr. Aingle
1896 Mr Thomas Clegg
1896 Mr J. E. Holman
Brecon and Radnor Express - 11th February 1897
Mr J E Holman applied for an extension at the Norton Arms Hotel until 4.30 am, on the occasion of the football dance on Thursday, the 18th inst. He produced a list of stewards. The application was granted.
Brecon and Radnor Express - 11th March 1897
The license of the Norton Arms Hotel was permanently transferred from Mr Thomas Clegg, now of Hampton Court, to Mr John E. HoImam. the present proprietor.
Brecon and Radnor Express - 18th November 1897
Mr. Fred L. Green, solicitor, applied for the transfer of the license of the Norton Arms Hotel from Mr J E. Holman to Mr William Hall, of Wem.
1897 Mr William Hall
1901 Thomas Rubin Clutterbuck (widower)
1902 W S McGregor
Radnorshire Standard - 2nd April 1902
The Clerk submitted the minutes of the committee appointed in this matter, which stated that they had met Mr. Macgregor with respect to his application for the laying down of a causeway in front of the hotel. It was agreed to recommend to the Council to lay down the causeway, provided the Wem Brewery Co. paid £15, or half the cost of the causeway if it did not come to that amount, and that the causeway to be continued to the other side of the Cwm.
The Clerk said Mr, Macgregor had received a letter front the Brewery Co., in which they asked that the Council remove the steps back at their own cost.
Mr. Allcock said the committee did not agree to that.
Mr. Williams moved that the work be done if the steps were put back by the Brewery
This motion was altered to the confirmation of the minutes of the committee, and Mr. Ellesmore seconding, it was carried.
1902 Henry Gough, secretary to the Wem Brewery Company.
Radnorshire Standard - 20 August 1902
With regard to the alterations to the front of the 'Norton Arms,' it was reported that the Wem Brewery Company had connected the rain water, but had not said anything about setting back the steps.
The Clerk said he had telegraphed to the Wem Brewery Company that day on this matter, and had received a reply stating that they would bear half the cost of £3. This was considered satisfactory.
Radnor Express - 21 November 1907
The license of the Norton Arms Hotel was transferred from Henry Gough to Henry Clark, the new secretary of the Shrewsbury and Wem Brewing Company.
1910 Frank Cartwright Guest & Margaret Agusta Hale
1911 Frank & Margaret Hale
Although the Norton Arms was run by several different tenants it was actually owned by The Norton Arms Hotel (Knighton) Company (Limited), until 1922
Western Mail - 16th September 1922
Mr A B Blower, of the firm Jackson and McCartney, auctioneers, offered for sale the Norton Arms Hotel, Knighton. The property, which has a large frontage, stands in a prominent position and has long been known as the principal hotel in the district. It contains, on the ground floor, coffee, commercial, smoke, and billiard rooms, managers sitting-room, bars, kitchen, and pantry. The basement comprises the usual cellaring and storage accommodation, while the upstairs floors contain seventeen bedrooms, bathroom, &c., drawing and sitting rooms, servants apartments, &c. On the first floor there is also a public-hall, known as the Assembly-room, now used as a cinema. The premises also include a sale-room, garage, yard, and workshops. Completion of purchase is by December 23 next, when possession may be obtained.
Bidding commenced at £2,000 and progressed to £3,450, at which figure it was sold to Mr H J Brokensha, the Red Lion Inn, Knighton. The Norton Arms Hotel (Knighton) Company (Limited), where the vendors, and Messrs. Careless, Llandrindod Wells, were the solicitors.
1923 E J Outrim
1930 Harold James Trewin Brokensha
Hereford Times 31st May 1930
The Estate of the late Mr H. J. Brokensha. RADNORSHIRE. The distinctive Free and Fully-Licensed Property, THE NORTON ARMS HOTEL, KNIGHTON, commanding premier position, and embracing extensive and lucrative Agricultural, Residential and Commercial connection. The Hotel is replete with modern requirements. Well-arranged Bar und Smoke Room and Accommodation, excellent Family and Commercial Rooms, Bed Rooms. Also the Assembly Rooms and adjoining Shop Property. The whole block possesses a frontage to the main thoroughfare—Broad Street—of 150 feet. MESSRS BARKER & POOLE are instructed to submit this important Freehold to AUCTION, on the Premises, On THURSDAY, 12th JUNE 1930, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to Conditions (unless in the meantime privately disposed of). Full particulars from the Vendors' Solicitor, Mr C. M. Nixson, Knighton, or the Auctioneers, Ludlow.
November 2011 – October 2014 (3 years) Gianni D'Aniello
February 2014 - March 2018 (4 years) Paul and Rowena Williams
March 2018 Keith Partridge of Coast 2 Coast Limited
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section