Drinking Establishments - P
Plough Inn, Market Street

1830 William Jones
1833 William & Ann Jones
Hereford Times 7th September 1833
KNIGHTON. Fire—On Sunday night last about ten o'clock, the Plough, public house, in this town, occupied by Wm. Jones, was observed be on fire. An immediate alarm was given, and, in a short time, the engine brought into action; but such was the rapid progress of the flames, that in a few minutes the back of the premises, and the whole the upper apartments of the dwelling house, with an adjoining building full of hay, were on fire. Every exertion was made, but some hours elapsed before the fire could be sufficiently got under, and unfortunately not before considerable injury was sustained by the proprietors of the property, in particular Mr Jones, whose loss in bedding, furniture, and 4 tons of hay estimated at £100. The family had retired to bed at early hour, unconscious of danger, all were buried in a sound sleep, when the bursting open of the doors first aroused them to a knowledge of their perilous situation; at this moment the flames had penetrated through the ceiling into the apartment in which they were sleeping; shortly afterwards the ceiling fell in; consequently, had it not been for a timely discovery, and the praiseworthy exertions of the inhabitants, the inmates would inevitably have perished. It appears, that on the previous day, Mrs Jones had been brewing; and it has been since ascertained, that there were several pieces of wood in the flue of the furnace; the flue had connection with the building; the pieces wood must have ignited, and thus the fire was communicated to the whole the premises.
1835 William & Ann Jones
1841 William & Ann Jones
1844 William & Ann Jones
Hereford Times 12 September 1846
TO SE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. W. DAMES, On the Premises, on Thursday, September 17th, 1846, at two o'clock in the afternoon ;— ALL that well-accustomed and long established PUBLIC HOUSE, with the Stabling, Outhouses, Garden, and Premises thereunto belonging, called or known by the name of the PLOUGH INN, situate in the upper part of the town of Knighton, in the county of Radnor, now in the occupation of William Jones, and let at the, annual rent of £18. The House and Buildings are in good repair and remarkably well situated for the extensive and respectable business the Inn is doing. For a view of the Premises apply to the tenant, and for further particulars to Mr. John Childs Francis, Bishop's Castle, the Proprietor, or the Auctioneer, Dinham, Ludlow, or Messrs. Williams and Urwick, Solicitors, Ludlow.
1851 William & Ann Jones
Hereford Times 13th November 1858
A Female Pugilist.—Hannah Cadwallader, of the Garth, in the parish of Knighton, was charged with assaulting and beating Mr William Jones, landlord of the Plough Inn, in this town. It appeared that the origin of the strife was Mr Jones having impounded a pig, the property of the resolute Hannah, who thereupon vowed to give Jones "a good sound threshing" at the first opportunity. She was stated to be a pretty good hand with her dainty fists. The offence having been proved, she was fined and 1s. costs, and bound over in to keep the peace towards all her Majesty's subjects for the space of twelve months.
1861 William & Ann Jones **
1881 Emma Jones (widow)
Wellington Journal - 14th April 1883
POLICE COURT - Thursday - Before James Beavan, Esq., (Chairman), R. D. Green Price, F. C. Cobden, and E. Jenkins Esqrs.
LICENSING - The Plough Inn, Knighton, was transferred from Emma Jones to William Gough.
The London Gazette
Publication date: 14 July 1885
Issue: 25490
Page: 3263
T0 be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, made in an action, re Jones, deceased, Lloyd v. Brick; 1879, J., 178, with the approbation of Mr. Justice Kay, by Mr. John Hamar, the person appointed by the said Judge, at the Plough Inn, at Knighton, in the county of Radnor, on Thursday, the 6th day of August, 1885. at three o'clock in the after-noon precisely :—
Certain freehold property, situate at Knighton, in the county of Radnor, comprising a full licensed house, called the Plough Inn, with stabling, back yard, brew-house, and garden, situate in Market-street., Knighton aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr. William Jones. A dwelling-house, called the Harp Cottage (otherwise the Old Lock-up), with garden thereto adjoining, situate in. Market-street, Knighton aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr. William Jones. A piece of land, with pig market to accommodate 600 pigs, with yard, cow-houses, stables, hay bay sheds, and all buildings thereto belonging, situate in Knighton aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr. William Jones. And a dwelling-house, called Wilcome Cottage, with garden, stable, coach-house, and loft, situate in George-lane, Knighton aforesaid, and in the occupation of Joseph Davies, Sarah Davies, and William Griffiths, as yearly tenants.
Montgomeryshire Express - 20th January 1891
POLICE COURT, Thursday, before C. C. Rogers (chairman), E. C. Cartwright, and H. M. Evans, Esqrs.—Transfer of Licence.-The licence of the Plough Inn from William Jones, deceased, to Mary Ann Jones, his wife, was allowed to be transferred, there being no objection from the police.
1891 Mary Ann Jones (widow)
Wellington Journal - 14th July 1900
Knighton Radnorshire
Freehold Licensed Premises
Are favoured with instructions to SELL by AUCTION on the premises on Friday, July 27th, 1900. at Three for
Four o'clock, in the afternoon.
All that old-established, well accustomed, and fully-licensed HOUSE known as
situate and having a frontage of 58 feet to Market Street, and 93 feet to Plough Lane.
The house is stone built and slated in excellent repair. It contains on the Ground Floor, spacious entrance with bar, large parlour, bar parlour, kitchen and pantry with roomy and dry cellaring. On the Second Floor, five good bedrooms and a large dining room. The Outbuildings comprise three stables, coach house, piggeries, Brew-house with two furnaces (complete) and store room over, Bottle Room, and the usual out-offices. There is also a good walled Garden.
"Knighton is celebrated for its fair and markets and "The Plough" has always been a popular house, both with residents and retailers. It adjoins the Pig Market, is within one minute's walk of the Market Hall, and commands a good all round trade."
The Owner (Mrs Jones), after a very remunerative tenancy of 17 years, is now giving up the house and entirely relinquishing business.
Possession may be had on October 10th 1900.
Further particulars may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers, Craven Arms and Knighton; or from
Solicitors, Knighton
Radnor Express - 2nd August 1900
PROPERTY SALE. - Mr. Pool of the firm of Mesrs Morris, Marshall and Pool, offered for sale by auction on Thursday that old-established house "The Plough" in Market street. The bidding started at £1,000 and was carried on spiritedly up to £1,500, when the lot was disposed of to Mr. Hermann Strauss, Bull Hotel, Presteign. As an instance of the increasing value of property in Knighton we may mention that fifteen years ago, the same property was bought for £480.
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 16th November 1900
TRANSFER OF LICENSE - The license of the Plough Inn, Knighton, was, on the application of Mr. Fred L. Green, transferred to Mr. Herman Strauss, of the Bull Hotel, Presteigne.
Mr Green stated that his client's niece, who managed the Plough Inn, was capable of acting in that capacity, while his client would divide his time between the Bull Hotel at Presteigne and the Plough Inn at Knighton. He had a lease on the former, and the later was his freehold property.
1901 Herman & Ada Strauss
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 2nd May 1902
PETTY SESSIONS. - April 24th. Before Messrs W. Weyman (in the chair), J. R. Bache and J. T. Jackson.
Transfer: Mr James Savigar was granted a transfer of the license of the Plough Inn, Knighton, from Mr. Hermann Strauss.
1902 James Savigar
Meirioneth County Times, 21 May 1903
KNIGHTON DIVORCE CASE. In the Divorce Court on Monday (before Mr Justice Bucknill,) a case was heard in which Mrs Ada Strauss sued for a divorce from Mr Herman William Strauss, a publican, who formerly kept the Bull Inn, at Presteigne and the Plough at Knighton, Radnorshire, by reason of his misconduct with his wife's niece, named Mary Brown. According to the evidence, the marriage took place in 1898, and afterwards petitioner took the wine vaults, at Knighton. The niece had assisted in the business, and was put to look after the Plough. Respondent, it was said, visited her there in 1902, and her husband went to London, and there was a separation, after which the respondent had lived with the niece at Kingston-on-Thames. A decree nisi was granted.
James Savigar died on 8th March 1907
Wellington Journal - 16th March 1907
Is favoured with instruction from the Exor. of the late Mr James Savigar, to SELL by AUCTION as above.
The whole of the useful household furniture, comprising:- contents of smoke room, bar parlour, 4 bedrooms, store rooms, kitchens, offices and outdoor effects, including old oak cupboard, massive mahogany, oak and deal tables, 12 strong mahogany smoking chairs, arm and other chairs, couches, prints and coloured pictures, a valuable old oil painting 'Doctor and Patient', lady's and gent's bicycles, gent's saddle and bridle, and the usual appointments.
Sale to commence at 12.30pm (prompt)
Auction and Valuation Office, Knighton.
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 26th April 1907
POLICE COURT. - April 18th, before Messrs J. T. Jackson (in the chair), W. Weyman, W. S. Bryan and T. A. Lote.
The license of the Plough Inn, Knighton, was transferred to Herbert Jay from the Executor of the late James Savigar.
1911 Hurbert Richard & Susannah Jay
1912 Hurbert Richard & Susannah Jay
Hereford Times 16th November 1912
KNIGHTON COURT.—At the Court before Mr J. T. Jackson. Mr W. S. Bryan, Mr W. Roberts, and Mr A. Moseley —Herbert R. Jay, Plough Inn, Knighton, was summoned by the Radnorshire County Council for keeping a carriage without a licence. Mr G. W. Moseley, Llandrindod Wells, solicitor, appeared for the prosecution. Defendant was fined 5s. and 5s 6d costs.
1914 William Parker
1923 Hurbert Jay
1928 George Morris
Kington Times - 13th July 1935
At the principal meeting of the Radnorshire Compensation Authority, held at Presteigne on Thursday, the Chairman, Capt. the Hon. Reginald Walsh, presided, and the other members present included Lt.t.-Colonel Drage, Rev. Claud Lewis, Mr. J. O. Jenkins and Mr. T. L. Vaughan.
The consideration of the license of the Plough inn, Market Street, Knighton, which had been referred for refusal subject to compensation by the Knighton Justices on the grounds of redundancy took place. Mr. Phillip Parker, Clerk to the Knighton justices, appeared for the renewal authority, and Mr. R. L. Griffith Davies, solicitor, Presteign, formally applied for the renewal of the license on behalf of the tenant, Mr. J. M. Thomas, and the owners, the Wrekin Brewery Company. Evidence was given by Sergt.. Morris, and Deputy Chief Constable Goulding, and the compensation authority decided to refuse the renewal of the license. The question of compensation to be considered at the next meeting.
Kington Times - 12th October 1935
The question of the compensation in respect of the Plough Inn, Market Street, Knighton, which had been referred by the Knighton Justices, was considered.
The owners, The Wrekin Brewery Co., Wellington, Salop, were represented by John Foster, valuer, Wolverhampton, and the licensee, Mr J Mansell Thomas, appeared in person.
The total claim by the owners amounted to £805 3s 4d., exclusive of the amount to be paid to the tenant, but as the committee declined to agree to this amount, an amended amount of £600 was submitted, out of which the tenant was to be paid £60.
The authority agreed to this amount and it was ordered that the date of payment be the 24th December, the house closing on 31st December.
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section