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King's Head Inn, Market Street


  • 1830 William Lewis

  • 1835 William Lewis

  • 1844 John & Mary Pardoe

  • 1847 Ann James (widow)


Hereford Times - 16th October 1847

PETTY SESSIONS. —COMPLAINT AGAINST A PUBLICAN. Mrs. James, of the King's Head, was summoned by Superintendent Constance, before the Revds. John Price J. N. R. Kinchant, and J. R. Brown, and charged with keeping her house open during Divine service on Sunday the 3rd instant, and allowing disorderly persons to congregate therein. This being her first offence site was discharged on payment of the expenses. RIOTOUS CONDUCT.----John Langford, butcher, was summoned by the same officer charged with causing a disturbance in the same house at the same time as the firs offence was committed. Defendant was severely reprimanded and then discharged, on payment of the expenses.


  • 1850 Ann James (widow)


Hereford Times - 15th June 1850

KNIGHTON. Petty Sessions.—Before the Rev. D. R. Murray and the Rev. J. Kinchant Disorderly Conduct.—John Wilding, farmer, Bleddfa, was charged by Mrs James, landlady of the King's Head Inn, Knighton, with having been drunk and disorderly on the 25th of April last, and having damaged her furniture at the King's Head. The defendant did not appear, but Mrs James proved that on the occasion referred to he was drunk and damaged her chairs and table to the amount of 2s. 6d. Fined 5s. for drunkenness, 2s. 6d. damage, and expenses, 9s. 6d.- Wilding immediately afterwards made his appearance, and on being informed of the result of the case, said he particularly wished to hear it himself, but the Magistrates declined going into it again. He was, however, just in time to hear a second charge preferred against him by P.C. Constance, for resisting him in the execution of his duty on the same day, which was corroborated P.C. Ebery. Several other parties in Court deposed to the violent conduct of the defendant on the day named and on other occasions. He was fined 10s., ordered to enter into recognizances to keep the peace for twelve months, and to pay the expenses, amounting to 9s. 6d.


  • 1851 Ann James (widow)

  • 1858 Richard & Mary Ann Thomas


Hereford Journal Wednesday - 8th September 1858

Richard Thomas, of the King's Head Inn, Knighton two quarts deficient.—Fined 7s. 6d. and 6s. expenses.


  • 1859 Richard & Mary Ann Thomas


Hereford Times - 9th April 1859

KNIGHTON. Petty Sessions.—Before Revds.. J. N. Price and J. Kinchant. Richard Thomas, landlord of the King's Head, in the butter market, Knighton, appeared to a summons, issued at the information Police-sergeant John Newman, for keeping his house open for the sale of beer, &c., on Sunday night, the 6th of March, after the hours allowed by law, and against the tenor of his license. —He was convicted and fined £1, and costs 8s.


  • 1861 Richard & Mary Ann Thomas **


Hereford Times - 3rd October 1863

KNIGHTON. Petty Sessions.—Before Revds. J. Price and J. Kinchant. Permitting Drunkenness.—Richard Thomas, landlord of the King's Head inn, Knighton, was charged by P.C. Weale with wilfully permitting drunkenness in his house on the 18th August. At the last petty sessions Mr Thomas applied to have the case adjourned in order to have professional assistance, and the case was accordingly postponed until this day, when Mr Stephens, of Presteign, appeared to conduct the case for the defence. A number of witnesses were examined on the part of Mr Thomas, but the Bench considered the charge proved, and the defendant was fined 10s. and costs.


  • 1871 Mary Ann Thomas (widow)

  • 1881 Mary Ann Thomas (widow)

  • 1891 Mary Ann Thomas (widow)

  • 1901 Mary Ann Thomas (widow)


Shrewsbury Chronicle - 3rd October 1902

POLICE COURT. September 25th: Before Messrs C. C. Rogers (chairman), W. Weyman, W. S. Bryan and T. J. Jackson.

Transfer: The license of the King's Head Inn from Mrs Thomas to Mr. H. Abley, of the Fleece Inn.


  • 1902 Henry Abley


Wellington Journal - 28th November 1903

KING'S HEAD, Knighton. To Let: Full licensed free house, adjoining market. - Particulars from H. E. Abley, Proprietor.


Shrewsbury Chronicle - 1st July 1904

POLICE COURT. - June 23rd, before Messrs W. Weyman (in the chair), and W. S. Bryan.

       Temporary Transfer: William Davies, of Abbey-Cwm-Her, Penn-y-bont, was granted a temporary transfer of the license of the King's Head Inn, Knighton, from Henry Edward Abley.

Wellington Journal 21st July 1906

TO LET - KING'S HEAD INN, Knighton (Fully-Licensed), 29th September. - Apply M A Thomas, 20, Betton Street, Shrewsbury.


Radnor Express - 27th September 1906

The license of the King's Head Inn, Knighton, was transferred temporarily from William Davies to Charles Hughstone, of Hammond, Shrewsbury. Inspector Jones offered no objection.

Radnorshire Standard - 15th January 1908


The license of the "King's Head" Inn, was transferred from Mr. Charles Hughston to Mr. William Savigar, who was granted temporary authority at the last meeting.

Shrewsbury Chronicle - 11th March 1910

TO LET, 25th of March next, Free Fully Licensed House (rent and ingoing low) KING'S HEAD, KNIGHTON. - Apply, R. Walker, 20, Betton Street, Shrewsbury.


  • 1911 William James & Rose Savigor

Hereford Times - 1st July 1911

The County Licensing Committee for Radnorshire, as the Compensation Authority, met on Thursday. Mr J C Carter presided, and the other members were Messrs J A Beeboe, E A Thomas, Colonel Williams, Dr Harding, R Rogers W Green-Price and A Simpson.

            The case of the King's Head, Mr E. L. Wall!, of Hereford. appeared  for the owner, and Mr E. P. Careless, of Llandrindod Wells, for the tenant. As compensation for the tenant, Mr Careless submitted £48, and Mr Wallis. for the owner. £500. Thu committee declined to accept this, and ultimately the parties accepted £200 as the compensation payable to the owner and £20 to the tenant.






Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section


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