Drinking Establishments - R
Red Lion Inn, Church Street

Hereford Journal - 3rd June 1829
Lot 5. All that Old-established INN, called the RED LION INN, situate in a very convenient part of the Town, and in full Business, having very roomy Fold-yards, Stables, and Outbuildings, in a good state of repair, and a large Garden adjoining, now in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Paasey.
1830 Samuel Passey
1835 Samuel & Ann Passey
1841 Samuel & Ann Passey
Hereford Journal - 6th April 1842
On Saturday evening the 26th ult., as Mr Samuel Passey, inholder, was proceeding around the town of Knighton for the purpose of letting on the water (he being turncock) he dropped down and suddenly expired; the moment before he was apparently in good health.
1844 Ann Passey
1851 Ann Passey
Hereford Journal Wednesday 08 September 1858
Ann Passey, of the Red Lion Inn, was charged with having five quarts and one pint deficient.—Defendant, whose age and infirmity rendered her unable to attend, was represented by Mr. Green, who stated that defendant although occupying a public house, was in fact living in a state of comparative seclusion, scarcely selling a quart of ale a week.—Fined 5s. and 6s. expenses.
Hereford Journal Wednesday 11 May 1859
TRANSFER of LICENSES.—The license of the Red Lion from Mrs. Ann Passey to Mrs. Martha Cadman
1859 Martha Cadman (widow)
1861 Martha Cadman (widow) **
1863 William Butler
Ann Passey died on 30th November 1866, aged 89
1871 Francis & Elizabeth Griffiths
Red Lion Inn, West Street (from 1876)

Hereford Times - 4th August 1877
MESSRS. ROGERS and HAMAR are instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the NORTON ARMS HOTEL, Knighton, On FRIDAY, 24th day of AUGUST, 1877, At 3 o'clock p,m. prompt, in the following or such other Lots as may be determined upon at the time of Sale, and subject to such conditions of Sale as shall then be produced and read .
Lot 1—All that newly-erected and full-licensed HOTEL, called "The Red Lion," with Stables and Garden adjoining, in the occupation of Mr. F. Griffiths, and at which capital Town and County Trade has for many years been curried on.
Hereford Times - 1st September 1877
KNIGHTON. - Sale of Property. - Mr John Hamar, of the firm Messrs, Roger and Hamar, auctioneers, Bucknell, submitted for public competition a valuable freehold property:-
Lot 1. Red Lion Hotel, in the occupation of Mr Francis Griffiths, The bidding was started at £1,000, and finally knocked down to Mr John Brown, Llanshay, for £1,550.
Lot 2. stabling, loose boxes and coach house, in the occupation of Mr. Francis Griffths, was withdrawn, the highest bidder being Mr. John Jones at £510, but we understand that this lot was sold to Mr. John Brown by private contract for £525 by Mr. Geo. Green. the vendor's agent.
South Wales Daily News - 14th April 1879
KNIGHTON. DISORDERLY - John Thomas Davies, of Leominster, painter, was brought up in custody, on Thursday, charged with refusing to quit the Red Lion Inn, and with assaulting P.O. Jones. Defendant was fined £2 and costs.
Wellington Journal - 27th March 1880
FAREWELL DINNER —Mr. Francis Griffiths, who in leaving the Red Lion Inn, gave a farewell dinner on Friday evening week, and 75 of his numerous friends sat down to a most excellent spread.
1881 James & Annie Burt
Wellington Journal - 4th October 1884
TEMPORARY AUTHORITY.-Mr. John Brown, of Llanshay, applied for and obtained a temporary authority to sell intoxicating drinks at the Red Lion Inn, Knighton.
1884 John Brown
Montgomeryshire Express - 30th December 1884
TRANSFERS - The license of the Red Lion Inn was transferred from John Brown, Llanshay, to Emma Gough, of Knighton, widow.
1884 Emma Jane Gough (widow)
1891 Emma Jane Gough (widow)
Emma Jane Gough was the daughter of Walter and Jane Haines of the Crown Inn, Broad Street
1901 Emma Jane Gough (widow) **
1903 Elijah and Margaret Gough left the Bridge Inn to run the Red Lion.
Radnor Express - 2nd April 1903
Transfer of Licence..
Mr Harold Matthews, solicitor, Knighton, applied for the temporary transfer of the licence of the Red Lion Inn, Knighton, from Mrs Emma Jane Gough to Elijah Gough, who was at present the holder of the licence of the Bridge Inn, Knighton. To this case the Chief -Constable remarked that there was no objection, and the Bench accordingly granted the application.
Margaret Matilda Gough died on 5th December 1908 and was buried on 7th December in Knighton cemetery. She was 34 years old.
Wellington Journal - 19th December 1908
GOUGH - Mr. Elijah Gough and Family Thank all kind sympathy shown in their great bereavement - Red Lion Hotel, Knighton.
Elijah Gough married Elizabeth Wozencroft on 18th August 1909 in Whitton Parish Church.
1911 Elijah & Elizabeth Gough
!911 census has Elijah as an innkeeper and mason.
1918 Elijah & Elizabeth Gough
Western Mail - 10th December 1921
Messrs. R P Price and Son. Auctioneers, Shrewsbury, offered for sale at the Norton Arms Hotel, Knighton, a freehold and fully licensed hotel known as the Red Lion, situated at the junction of West-street and Church-street, Knighton, and now in the occupation of Mr E Gough. The hotel, which is built of stone, with a slated roof, contains bar, smoke-room, tap-room, dining-room, hall and scullery, coal cellar, with seven bedrooms, bathroom &c., and the out premises contains brewhouse, motor garage, saddle room, stabling for 40 horses, cowhouse, pigsty, two kitchen gardens, and two yards. Possession was promised at an early date. Bidding started at £1,000 and progressed rapidly to £1,725, at which figure it was sold to Mr H J Brokensha, Swan Hotel, Knighton. The vendor was Mr Elijah Gough (the occupier), and the solicitors for the property were Messrs. Sprott and Morris, Shrewsbury.
1923 Harold James Trewin & Florence Maria (nee White) Brokensha
Brokensha - Harold James, of the Red Lion Hotel, Knighton, Radnorshire. Died 21st May 1929. Probate to Florence Maria Brokensha, widow, and Cyril Brokensha, school teacher.
Cyril Brokensha (Arthur Cyril Brokensha) was Harolds' younger brother.
Florence Maria Brokensha died on 19th July 1968 at Greenwood House, Knighton, and is buried in Knighton Old Cemetery.
Kington Times - 25th June 1938
Messrs. Morris, Barker and Pool in conjunction with Messrs. Campbell and Edwards offered for sale by auction at the Norton Arms, Knighton, on Thursday last, the free and fully licensed freehold property known as the Red Lion Hotel, Knighton. There was a good company of brewers and others present and bidding started at £1,800 and quickly rose to £3,650 at which figure the hotel was secured by the Alton Court Brewing Company. The solicitors concerned were Messrs. H Oliver and Co., Llandrindod Wells.
Royal Oak Inn, Market Street
See The feathers
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section