Drinking Establishments - S
The Salutation, No. 19 - 22 The Narrows

Hereford Journal - 12th January 1859
TO BE LET, COMMODIOUS DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, with Garden attached, situate in the NARROWS, and known as the SALUTATION. Apply to Mrs. LEWIS, on the Premises.
Seven Stars, (Wellington Place, Market Street)
Hereford Journal - 4th October 1837
To be Sold by auction,
At the CHANDOS ARMS INN, KNIGHTON, on Thursday the 16th of November, 1837, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed on at the of sale, and subject to conditions to be then produced
A LL that desirable and well-accustomed PUBLIC-HOUSE, known by the sign of the SEVEN STARS, situate in the MARKET PLACE of the Town of KNIGHTON, containing convenience for, and now carrying on, an extensive trade. Also the HOUSE adjoining, with an excellent SHOP in the general line of business having a considerable and lucrative trade; and 3 Acres (more or less) of excellent Meadow LAND, in the centre of the Town adjoining the Street, and being by far the most eligible situation in that improving neighbourhood for Building Sites.—These Premises are now in the occupation of Mr. Edw. Williams, at a very low Rent. Sale to take place at 5 o'clock in the evening precisely.
Particulars may be had at the Chandos Arms, Knighton, the principal Inn in the town, of Mr. Owens, Solicitor, Severn Place, Newtown, (who will also treat for sale by Private Contract), or of the Auctioneer, Knighton.
1851 John & Ann James
1861 Thomas & Ann White
Hereford Times - 15th August 1862
PETTY SESSIONS. Before Richard Green Price, Esq., Rev. J. Kinchant, and John Cheese, Esq. ALLEGED ASSAULT.—Thomas White, landlord of the Stars inn, in the town of Knighton, was charged by Sarah Broad, a married woman, with having grossly assaulted her while in the act of making inquiries after her runaway husband. It was stated that the husband frequently makes a circuit of the public-houses for a month at a time, and then returns home. —For the want of corroborative evidence, the case was dismissed.
Hereford Times - 12th October 1867
ALLEGED DISGRACEFUL ASSAULT.---Thomas White, Landlord of the Seven Stars Inn, Knighton, was summoned by Mrs Ann Woodhouse, of Knighton, charged with assaulting her on the 26th September. The case was settled out of Court, the defendant paying 8s. 6d. costs.
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section
Swan Inn, Bridge Street

Hereford Journal - 26 July 1787
WILL be fought at Walter Whittington's, the sign of the Swan, Knighton, Radnorshire, between the gentlemen of SHROPSHIRE and the gentlemen of HEREFORDSHIRE; to weigh twenty-one in the main, and ten in the byes, for Five Guineas a battle, and Twenty the odd battle.
To fight on the 3rd and 4th August next.
1830 Thomas Mead
1835 Thomas & Sarah Mead
1841 Sarah Mead
1844 Sarah Mead
1851 William & Ann Chandler **
Hereford Times - 29th July 1854
JuIy 22, after a long illness, borne with Christian resignation to the Divine will, in his 38th year Mr Wm. Chandler, of the Swan inn, Knighton.
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 29th September 1854
On Thursday, the 12th day of October, 1854, at the Farmers' Club House, Knighton, at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions,
ALL that Freehold DWELLING-HOUSE, and well accustomed PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the SWAN Inn, with the commodious yard, and extensive recently erected stabling, and all other suitable outbuildings. thereto belonging. Formerly for many years in the occupation of Thomas Mead, since deceased, and now of Mrs. Chandler, situate in the lower part of High-street, in Knighton aforesaid.
This old established and well known Inn from the convenience of its situation at the entrance of the town, and the high respectability with which it has been conducted has ever enjoyed a large share of the patronage of the town and neighbourhood, and will be a most desirable investment, and is capable of extension and improvement.— For further particulars apply to Messieurs. GREEN and PETERS, or Mr MASON, the Auctioneer.
1861 Ann Chandler (widow)
Shrewsbury Chronicle - 2nd September 1870
Sir, —My attention having been called to the manner in which my case is reported in your columns of the 12th instant., which I consider is calculated to mislead the public. I will thank you to inert the following :—The letters are conveyed by mail cart from Craven Arms to Knighton on Sundays. and the contractor stayed at my house. On Sunday, July 24th. after delivering the bags at 8 a.m.. he returned to my house and ordered two glasses of ale, for which he paid, and gave the one to Mr Esp.
I was summoned before the magistrates for supplying one glass of ale, and although the Bench considered it a most frivolous case, fined me five shillings, together with costs.. amounting to 16s. Mr Esp was fined 2s 6d, with a waning not to repeat the offence.
I have been proprietress of the above hotel for twenty years, and during that period have never had the slightest blame attached to me for the way in which it has been conducted.—I am, sir. yours respectfully. Ann CHANDLER.
1871 Ann Chandler - Owner
1871 Richard Thomas Taylor - Manager
Eddowes's Journal - 3rd November 1875
The above Old-established FREEHOLD HOTEL, with extensive Stabling, Buildings, and Pasture Land, situate in the town of Knighton, and in the occupation of the owner, Mrs. Anne Chandler, will be offered for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, by MESSRS. ROGERS & HAMAR
On the premises as above, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of November, 1875, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, in two lots, and subject to conditions to be then produced.
LOT 1.
ALL that old established and commodious HOTEL, known as "THE SWAN INN," containing Bar, Commercial Room, Smoke Room, Kitchen, Brew house, Sitting Room, and Eleven Bedrooms, with Store Rooms, Closets, and W.C.; together with convenient Yards, Out-offices, Coach-house, Buildings, and Stabling for nearly 100 horses. The above House, Building, and Premises are in a good state of repair, and situate in the best business part of Knighton, and this Hotel bas been successfully conducted by Mrs. Chandler, the proprietress, for many years past.
LOT 2.
All that Field of old PASTURE LAND, together with the productive Garden, Stabling for 25 horses, and extensive newly erected Buildings, containing altogether 2a 1r 13p., or thereabouts. The above Lot is situate in Frith Road, near to Knighton, and is also in the occupation of Mrs. Chandler. To view the Lots apply to Mrs. CHA.NDLER, on the premises; and for any farther particulars to the AUCTIONEERS, Bucknell, Salop ; or at the Offices of Mr. R. CLARKE, Solicitor, 17, Swan Hill, Shrewsbury.
Ann Chandler died on 5th February 1876 and was buried on 9th February 1876, she was aged 61
South Wales Daily News - 14th February 1880
Richard Thomas Taylor, landlord of the Swan Hotel, was charged with keeping open during prohibited hours. The defendant was fined £3 and 7s costs.
Wellington Journal - 9th October 1880
Henry Evans, late surveyor of Knacklas, pleaded guilty to being drunk at the swan Inn, at Knighton, on the 14th September.—Fined 2s. 6d. and 7a. costs.
John Jones, of Broad Street, butcher, was also charged with being drunk on licensed premises, at the Swan Inn. Inspector Rogers proved the case, and defendant was fined 2s. 6d. and 7s. costs
Mr. R. T. Taylor, the landlord of the Swan, was charged by Inspector Rogers with permitting drunkenness on his licensed premises on the above date.—After hearing the evidence, and and able speech from Mr. E. H. Cheese, who appeared for the defendant, the Magistrates dismissed the case, at the same time cautioning Mr. Taylor to be careful in future.
South Wales Daily News - 12th March 1881
EXTENSION.—Mr R. T. Taylor, Swan Inn, applied for one hour extension on the 18th instant, on the occasion of a farewell supper. Granted.
South Wales Daily News - 12th March 1881
TEMPORARY TRANSFERS.—Mr W. P. Campbell applied for the temporary transfer of the Swan Inn from R. T. Taylor to himself, which was granted.
1881 William P & Maria Campbell
1885 Elizabeth Pritchard Tudge (single)
1891 Elizabeth Pritchard Tudge (single)
1901 William Walter & Ellen Rosa Turnell
1911 William Walter & Ellen Rosa Turnell
Western Mail - 26th April 1922
MESSRS. BUFTON and SON (F.A.I.) Will OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at three p.m., on THURSDAY, April 27th, 1922, on the premises, the
Known as
Containing 13 bedrooms, billiard-room, and 6 other rooms, with spacious accommodation, garage, stabling (with loose boxes, &c.) Headquarters of Football and Cricket Club: situated in leading position in the prosperous Market Town of Knighton.
For Further Particulars apply Messrs Green and Nixon, Solicitors, Knighton; or to the Auctioneers, at Middleton-chambers, Llandrindod Wells.
1923 Walter H Frost
1927 Watkin William Watkins
Western Mail - 21st October 1929
Death of Former Cardiff Choir Secretary. The death took place suddenly at his home, the Swan Hotel, Knighton, of Mr. Watkin W. Watkins, a former lessee of the Hippodrome, Cardiff. Mr. Watkins, who was it native of Merthyr, came to Cardiff in 1886. About twelve years ago he became lessee of the Hippodrome, and maintained an interest in this cinema until about two years ago, when he purchased the Swan Hotel, Knighton.
Possessed of a good tenor voice, he took a keen interest in music, and particularly in the Welsh Ladies' Choir. He was for a number of years honorary secretary to this choir, and visited America with them when they toured the United States, under the conductorship of Madam Clara Novelle Davies.
He is survived by his widow and two children, Miss Gwen Watkins and Mr. Haydn Watkins.
1939 Harold J & Gladys M Waitman
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section