Drinking Establishments - G
George & Dragon, Broad Street

1807 James Davies
Hereford Journal - 22nd July 1807
By R Williams
At the Duke's Arms Inn, at Knighton, in the county of Radnor, on Thursday, the Sixth day of August, 1807, between the hours of four and seven o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to be then and there produced.
That well accustomed INN called and known by the name of the GEORGE INN, situate in Broad-street, in the said town of Knighton, near to the Market Hall, in the occupation of Mr James Davies, tenant at will:- Consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, back Kitchen, Bakehouse, Two Cellars, Six Lodging Rooms, Yard, Three Stables, Two Gardens, Hogstyes and other conveniences attached, and detached to the premises. The water is brought with lead pipes which are well supplied from an excellent spring, and runs into the Brewhouse.
There is a large Pew in the Church opposite the Pulpit, which is an appurtenant to the above Premises, and will go with the purchase.
N.B. The Purchaser may if he pleases be accommodated with part of the purchase money, upon security of the Premises. For further Particulars, apply to Mr William Denovan, Glazier, or the Auctioneer at Knighton.
1822 James Morris
1830 James Morris
1835 James Morris
On 10th April 1835 the George Inn became a member of the 'Friendly Society' It chose the name 'New Loyal Union Society'. At some point it changed it's name to the 'Victoria Friendly Society'. The Victoria Friendly Society, was established in 1839. The society was dissolved on 14th September 1871.
Hereford Times - 6th March 1841
St. David's Day, - A ball took place at the George Inn, Knighton, in honour of this day, which was most respectably and numerously attended. Mr Parker's Quandrille Band performed to admiration. The morning's light broke upon the gay dancers before they departed from the scene of gaiety
March 1842 - 24th February 1851 Edward & Hannah Minton
Hereford Times - 23rd August 1851
Bankrupt -
FINAL ORDERS will be made in the Matters of the following Person, a Petitioner for Protection from Process, at the County Court of Radnorshire, holden at Presteign, in the said County, before JOHN MAURICE HERBERT, Esquire, Judge of the said Court, unless cause be shown to the contrary, as follows : on TUESDAY, the Ninth day of SEPTEMBER 1851, at Ten o'clock precisely.
EDWARD MINTON. of the Town of Knighton, in the County of Radnor, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, and carrying on the Business of an Innkeeper at the George and Dragon, in the Town of Knighton ; and at present and since the Twenty-fourth day of February last, residing with his Son, William George Minton, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, in Broad-street, in the Town of Knighton aforesaid, and during part of that time working as a Journeyman in the aforesaid trade of a Plumber, Glazier, and Painter.
ROBERT PHILLIPS, High Bailiff of the Court.
County Court Office, Presteign,
Aug. 29th, 1831
Hereford Times 22nd March 1851
19th ult., at Discoyd, Presteign, by the Rev. C. Tudor, Mr Wm. Evans of the George Inn, Knighton, to Ann, second daughter of Mr Edward Low, of the Oxford Arms Inn, Presteign. (The paper had obviously not done it's research correctly. He was Abraham Evans not William and she was Ann Lowe)
1858 Richard Edwards
Hereford Times 13th November 1858
Having a Disorderly House.—Richard Edwards, landlord of the George inn, Knighton, was charged by Police-superintendent Rattigan with having disorderly house on the 4th of October last.—P.C. John Newman proved that he had on three occasions visited the house and found persons drunk therein on each occasion.—This being the first offence, Edwards was lined £2, and 7s. costs
Hereford Journal - 23rd March 1859
FAREWELL DINNER. On Tuesday, Mr. Edwards, the worthy landlord of the George Inn, who is leaving Knighton to reside in a neighbouring town, had his farewell dinner, to which about 40 of his neighbours and friends sat down. The dinner was in every respect an excellent one. John Davies, Esq., of Cwmsanam, presided ; the vice-chair being occupied by Mr. W. Baldwin, of High-street. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from the chair, after which numerous others were drank in succession, including, of course, that of the worthy host and hostess, with hearty good wishes for their future success. Some capital songs were sung, and a very pleasant evening was spent by the party assembled.
Hereford Journal Wednesday 11 May 1859
TRANSFER or LICENSES.—The license of the George Inn was transferred from Mr. Richard Edwards to Mrs. Susan Smith
1859 Susan Smith
Eddowes's Journal - 7th September 1859
PETTY SESSIONS - At these sessions, on Thursday last, Susan Smith, landlady of the George Inn, Knighton, was fined 10s. and expenses, for permitting drinking in her house on Sunday during divine service.
1863 William James
1875 William James
Wellington Journal 22 March 1879
Licenses - The license of the George and Dragon was transferred from William James to James Reynolds.
James Reynolds was the son of Stephen and Jane Reynolds of the Three Horse Shoes, Wine Vaults, Back Lane (Russell Street).
1881 James & Jessie Raynolds
South Wales Daily News - 12th March 1881
PERMITTING GAMBLING. — James Reynolds, landlord of the George and Dragon Inn, was summoned by Inspector Rogers for allowing gambling on his licensed premises, on the 13th January. The case arose from one of assault (which was heard at the last court) on a man named Pugh, by the present defendant Reynolds, when the evidence of the witnesses then called showed that gambling was practiced. John Pugh was called, and said he was at the George and Dragon on the day in question, in company of Gilbert Wooley, Harry Morris, W. Griffiths, and R. Jones. After drinking one quart of beer they tossed for two more. The landlord said "I will toss anyone in the house." Defendant was fined 10s and costs, amounting together to £ 1. 14s
1891 Thomas & Ann Davies
South Wales Daily News - 23rd March 1895
SEVERE REPRIMAND OF A WITNESS. At the Knighton Police Court on Thursday before Messrs C. C. Rogers and H. M. Evans - Thomas Fox, carpenter, a native of Staffordshire, was brought up in custody charged with stealing a lady's gold watch and chain, valued at £7 16s, on the 5th inst.. the property of Mrs Davies, of the George Inn, Knighton. He was sentenced to one month's imprisonment. One of the witnesses, Mrs Naomi Bumford, watch. maker, Knighton, was told by the magistrates that she had narrowly escaped prosecution, and they warned her. The witness had given a white metal watch, valued at £1, for the gold watch tendered to her by the prisoner. The owner's name was engraved inside the gold watch.
1899 George & Christina Apperley
1901 George & Christina Apperley
1911 George & Christina Apperley
1918 George & Christina Apperley
Hereford Times 6th April 1918
Knighton Publicans and Beer Prices. At Knighton Police Court, on Thursday before Mr W. S. Bryan (in the chair), Mr J. B. Boote, Mr Moleworth Ellis, Mr J. B. Bache. and Mr A. Moselcy. Mr and Mrs G. Apperley. of The George and Dragon Inn, Knighton, were summoned by PC W. Bufton for a contravention of the Beer Prices Order on March 2nd. - Bufton said he found two men drinking beer at the bar. They had paid 5d. per pint for it but 4d. per pint was marked on the barrel from which was drawn.- Mr M. Woosnam, Newtown, solicitor, who appeared for the defence, admitted the truth of the evidence, but contended that the drink was served in a private bar room and on that account an extra charge was justifiable.-The Bench considered the case had been clearly proved and a fine of £2 was inflicted.
1923 George & Christina Apperley
Western Mail - 11th July 1930
For Sale or to Let. "George and Dragon," Knighton; old-established free, fully licensed. G Apperley, Broad Street, Knighton, Rads.
1939 Harold Angelo & Florence Isabella Steiner
Globe, Broad Street
1800 John Beavan
1817 Thomas Jones
Hereford Journal, Wednesday 30 April 1817
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (By Order of John Griffiths, Assignee of Henry Jones), At the GLOBE INN, in the Town of Knighton, in the County of Radnor, on Thursday the Twenty-second of May, 1817, between the hours of four and Six o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, ALL that DWELLING-HOUSE called THE GLOBE INN, with Stables and Gardens thereto adjoining, situate in Knighton aforesaid town in the possession of Mr. Thomas Jones. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Parsons, Solicitor, Presteigne, Radnorshire.
1828 John & Sarah Everall
Hereford Journal - 30th April 1828
APRIL 28, 1828,
BEGS to inform his Friends that he is now REMOVED to the GLOBE INN, where he humbly solicits a continuance of the support of those Gentlemen, Commercial Travellers, and others who have heretofore honoured him with their commands.—Every exertion will be used to add to the com-fort and enjoyment of those who may favour him with their future support.
1830 John & Sarah Everall
John Everall died on 18th December 1830, aged 39. He is buried in St. Edwards churchyard. William, son of John and Sarah, died on 9th January 1831, aged 4 years. He is buried with his father.
18th July 1832
TO INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS.To be Let, With Immediate Possession,All that long-established and well-accustomed INN called THE GLOBE, situate in the Broad-street, in the Town of Knighton., with convenient Yard, and extensive Stall Stables, loose Boxes, and other necessary Outbuildings and Garden adjoining, now in the occupation of :Mrs. Sarah Everall, widow. N.B. The Excise Office is kept on the premises. To treat for the same apply to Mr. Joseph Meredith, Knighton. July 9th, 1832.
1835 John & Ann Jones
1841 John & Ann Jones
1844 John & Ann Jones
1857 Jane Tudge
Hereford Times - 10th April 1858
JANE TUDGE TAKES this opportunity of returning her sincere thanks for the liberal support she has received since her occupation of the GLOBE INN, and begs to inform her friends and the public that she has taken the above Hotel in addition thereto, which, together, will afford every comfort and accommodation to Families and Customers generally who may kindly favour her with their support. She will endeavour at all times to have on hand the choicest Wines and Spirits, with Home-brewed and other Ales of the best quality. OMNIBUS to LUDLOW Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays
Golden Lion Inn, High Street

1830 John Wall
1835 Henry Jones
1844 Edward Williams
1851 Edward & Ann Williams
1861 Edward & Ann Williams **
1871 Ann Williams (Ann died in 1878 aged 52)
1879 Martha Prosser (Martha was Ann Williams sister)
South Wales Daily News - 12th July 1879
KNIGHTON. THE PETTY-SESSONS where held on Thursday, before Sir Richard Green Price, Bart. (chairman), and Mr John Weyman. Gilbert Woolley and Edwin Jones were fined for being drunk on licensed premises at the Golden Lion Inn. Sergeant Rogers proved the offence. Martha Prossers, landlady of the Golden Lion, was summoned by Sergeant Rogers for supplying drink to the two named defendants. The magistrates ordered her licence to be endorsed, and fined her £1. and costs.
1881 Richard Morris & Sarah M Matthews
The London Gazette
Publication date: 12 May 1882
Issue: 25106
Page: 2251
The Bankruptcy Aet,1869. In the County Court of Herefordshire, holden at Leominster. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Richard Morris Matthews, of the Golden Lion Inn, Knighton, in the county of Radnor, Licensed Victualler.
Notice is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has summoned to be held at the Norton Arms Hotel, Knighton, in the county of Radnor, on the 24th day of May, 1882, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely, Dated this 8th day of May, 1882. GEORGE GREEN, Knighton, Radnorshire, Solicitor for the said Richard Morris Matthews.
South Wales Daily News - 13th May 1882
Richard Morris Matthews, of the Golden Lion. Knighton, Radnorshire, licensed victualler
Montgomeryshire Express - 30th December 1884
TRANSFERS - The license of the Golden Lion was temporarily transferred from James Thomas to James Oldbury, of Llandrindod.
1885 James Oldbury
1891 Richard & Ann Wilde
Hereford Times 2nd September 1899
KNIGHTON. The annual Licensing Sessions were held on August 24th, and the whole of the licenses within the Petty Sessional Division were renewed, with the exception of the Golden Lion, Knighton.—The Chairman asked Mr Griffiths, the landlord, was present, and was informed that was not. The Chairman observed that he wanted to say something repecting this license, and if defendant did not appear they would adjourn the renewal until the next court. —The renewal of this license was consequently adjourned.
1901 Walter & Louisa Evans
1911 Alfred & Emily Griffiths
1923 Alfred & Emily Griffiths
1939 Alfred & Emily Griffiths
Those marked with a ** have photographs of their headstones in the Deaths, Burials and Headstones section