Latest Updates
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Updates for January 2019
Corporal Punishment - The Birching Rod
Lewis John Minton - A life tragically ended
Updates for December 2018
Christmas Back Then
Updates for November 2018
Knightons' Working Men's Club
Updates for October 2018
GMT - BST - BDST - Daylight Saving
Knighton Horse Race Course - added information.
Updates for September 2018
World War 2 Casualties
Updates for August 2018
Fatal Accidents on the Central Wales Line.
World War 1 Casualties
Joseph Cox
Ernest Llewellyn Cross
William Alfred Roberts
William Harold Jones
David Lewis
Ernest Edward James
Frank Osmond James
Updates for May 2018
Muzzling of Dogs Act of 1897 - An Act introduced by the Board of Agriculture, country wide. It even had an effect on the townsfolk of Knighton.
Updates for April 2018
Roads - information on the Roads, Streets & lanes of Knighton (name changes & One-Way system) - including the names of Estates and Courts
Updates for March 2018
Knighton Bill Poster & Town Criers (Kindly edited by Ann Brock)
(further information - not included in the article, but used for research purposes - kindly supplied by Ann Brock and Jan Pearson)
The Mermaid Inn
Updates for February 2018
Isaac Broadhurst - A Life of crime (Article kindly supplied by Ann Brock)
The funeral of the Allen Brothers update on existing article
Updates for January 2018
A New Workhouse for Knighton (Article kindly supplied by Ann Brock) update on existing article
Water for the cemetery update on existing article
Updates for December 2017
Bravery that led to tragedy (Article kindly edited by Ann Brock & Jan Pearson)
Updates for November 2017
Death From Starvation at Knighton. The story of Elizabeth Jones, left without food or heating, the inquest and charge of manslaughter that followed.- Would this happen today?
Updates for September 2017
Williams & Wooding, Garage Proprietors (any further information on this company gratefully appreciated)
Updates for July 2017
Updated information for Rowland Tench - pictures kindly supplied by a family member
Updates for April 2017
The Round House, Kinsley Road. The Inn that never was.
General updates to Hotels, Inns and Pubs.
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for March 2017
A New Burial Ground For Knighton 1879
Updates for February 2017
Indentures (Kindly donated by Julia Llewellyn-Roberts - Tower House Gallery, Knighton)
Updates for January 2017
A Railway Takeover (Kindly donated by Julia Llewellyn-Roberts - Tower House Gallery, Knighton)
World War 1 Casualties
Thomas Arnol EVANS
Raymond William JAMES
Richard Edward John STEDMAN
Alfred William WILLIAMS
William George WILLIAMS
Updates for December 2016
World War 1 Casualties
A booklet has been produced on the history of St. Edward's Church, 'History as it happened' This booklet is on sale in the church
(All proceeds to the church fund)

Updates for August 2016
World War 1 Casualties
This months' publication of my site contains less than of late. In fact it only has one entry for WW1 casualties. This is due to another project that has taken up my time. For the last 2 months I have been updating old (and new) burial locations in the old cemetery.
I realise that this had already been done by volunteers for the PFHS, (Powys Family History Society) their copy was last updated in 2005. I have corrected some errors and added burials that have taken place since then.
New publication date as of August 2016.
I have produced a folder containing this information, it has been deposited in St. Edwards Church.
This index was produced purely as a finding aid.
The folder is divided into sections:-
Grave rows A through Z
Each section (A for example) has pages headed:-
Spouse of
Maiden name (of wife buried with husband)
Parent of
Child of
Sibling of (brother or sister of)
YOB (year of birth)
YOD (year of death)
Age (age at death)
Maiden name - This has been quite time consuming to research. I have used censuses, marriage indexes and various other registers to try and ascertain the maiden name of the wife buried with the husband. Some have been easy, but others have proved to difficult to find. When you live in Wales and your name is John Evans, Davies, Griffiths or Williams and your wife's first name is Elizabeth, there are so many it becomes impossible to pin down each and every one.
Parent of - I have endeavoured to find children buried in other locations within the cemetery (even daughters who have married) This should help people researching their families. If someone from in, or out of town, comes to find a grave of a family member, then they will also hopefully find others of their family and be able to find their grave too. This also goes for Child of and Sibling of.
YOB - YOD - In some instances the year of birth has been calculated by subtracting the Age from the YOD, this may result in a YOB being + or - 1 year. Some may be out by 2 years. I will explain. On some headstones is written died in the 74th year of his age. This person may have only been 73 years and 1 month old when they died, but, he would have started the 74th year. If you consider that a child dying aged 6 months, it would have died in the 1st year of its life. (hope that makes sense)
Some headstones give more information on those buried in the grave ie. dates of birth and death and also where the occupant was from. On some it even gives professions.
I do not claim all entries in the folder are 100% correct, but I have done my best.
If you do find any mistakes, or have any further information, please email me at:-
I will do my best to ensure that the error is corrected.
If you can't visit, but would like information (a look-up or a picture of a particular grave) please email me at the same address. There will be no charge involved.
Updates for July 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Honours (if anyone knows of Honours awarded to people from Knighton (only) not mentioned in this article,
please contact me and I will be pleased to include them)
Updates for June 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for May 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for April 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for March 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for February 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Death From Exposure, The tragic death of Mary Wozencroft in Cwm brook in 1908.
Updates for January 2016
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for December 2015
World War 1 Casualties
Updates for November 2015
The Knighton Hotel
Kinsey Kin - but with a difference!
Recollections of Knighton - Poem from 1858 by H.L.L. residing in Crickhowell.